Anonymous ID: e8c668 March 6, 2019, 4:04 p.m. No.5545154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5188



The Zionist/Marxist Jews have taken over the world by covert means and are about to launch (((their))) endgame.


Pretty much anyone who counts on the world stage is in their pocket.


As part of their kaballah aka satanic belief system they have to give us an advanced warning of what they are doing but even within this they use codes and deceit as they know if we all wake up WE have the numbers.


Early Q warned us they would infiltrate this site and try and control the narrative here, which they have largely done. This is evident by the shaping of notables by some bakers who will never put anything that exposes their crimes in as this would aid enlightenment.


They DO NOT believe in Jesus this is their tell and they cannot but help to attack anyone who says otherwise. They believe they can use end times prophesy to set up their satanic kingdom then use their position of power to go after God. This is why they developed the LUCIFER telescope which the vatican owns, they use this to peer into the heavens above.


They are now becoming more and more open and brazen as they believe nothing can stop them. No one doing EVIL is being arrested as they are in control. We must awaken to this fact and fight back against this tyranny by asking our father the true and mighty God to intervene and save us from these monsters.


Our Father please take the blinders off the deceived and allow them to beg forgiveness for they know not what they have done. Reign down your mighty hand and sweep the land of EVIL so we can regain the strength and fortitude to follow the narrow path. Your creation is so wonderful but is being destroyed by the devil and your people are being kept from what is rightfully ours. Show the signs to them of which I've already seen. Amen.

Anonymous ID: e8c668 March 6, 2019, 4:19 p.m. No.5545476   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Time For Congress to Step Up': US Lawmakers Seek to End US Involvement in Yemen


A new bipartisan effort in the US Senate is the latest attempt to pass a bill that would end Washington's support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen. Kevin Zeese, co-coordinator for Popular Resistance, tells Sputnik that it would be "fantastic" to see such a bill pass ‒ but also to beware of loopholes.


"We've seen Yemen bills pass in the Senate, we've seen Yemen bills pass in the House [of Representatives], but never together. Maybe we'll finally have one pass together, which would be fantastic to see that occur," Zeese told Radio Sputnik's Loud & Clear on Wednesday.


"The Yemen war needs to end; it's a disaster. The US should have never gotten involved, and Saudi Arabia needs to be held accountable for the crimes it's commiting in Yemen every day," he stressed.


US Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) revealed this week that he, along with the likes of Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT), would attempt to push a resolution in the US Senate that would end the US' involvement in the ongoing Yemen conflict.


The resolution could come to the Senate floor as early as next week.


It was recently reported by Business Insider that California Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna is working to convince Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to join the Senate effort. The Pennsylvania-born congressman told the outlet that Graham signing on "could be a game-changer," and that despite a difference in opinions, Graham is "at least open to" throwing in his support.


But not everyone sees Graham jumping on the wagon as a sign of good things to come. Zeese told hosts Brian Becker and John Kiriakou that if the South Carolina lawmaker hopped on board, it would be an eyebrow-raiser.


"If Lindsey Graham supports it, I'll want to look at it pretty closely to see what kinds of loopholes are in it," Zeese said. "He is such a war supporter that it's hard to believe he'd support something that actually called for an end to a war."


And in the event that US lawmakers institute the War Powers Act to end the US' unconstitutional participation in Yemen, the political activist noted that there is a possibility that the Trump administration could still stay involved through other means.


"What will be the Trump administration's response?" he asked Kiriakou. "Will we have a secret continuation of it through the CIA or other agencies? Will we fund on-the-ground terrorist activities?"

"Congress is responsible for declaring war, not the president. Congress has not taken that responsibility," he continued. "It's time for Congress to step up and and end this war."


The US Senate in December 2018 passed a similar resolution with a 56-41 vote; however, it never made it past the US House.