They are beginning their counter attack.
Complacency has NO place in our battle. You can already see here that (((their))) counter attack has begun AFTER they set the grounds for it by seeding doubts division and general agitation towards dead ends + emotional/psychological manipulation.
(((they))) believe we have been softened up enough to take us down and completely corrupt the momentum.
STAY on TARGET, identify the aggression.
We will not fail, neither will Q and POTUS.
The true attack stage was set. We will overturn it.
God is with us. Anons, be alert. You are more conditioned than you believe. Simply being 'red pilled' is not enough.
Stay strong.
Stay together.
Do not allow their provocations and distractions to take root or influence you.
Victory WILL be ours, as we soldier on to the RIGHT direction and RIGHT goals.
We are here to disseminate.
(((they))) are attempting judo on a MASSIVE scale using seeds of weakness they have planted. It will FAIL.
(((They))) will FALL.
Have faith. Have TRUST.
We are here for a reason. (((they))) are already DEEP in a hole (((they))) cannot escape from. Do not let their lies through 'articles' blind you. Public will be misled, do not listen to it for truth. It is all smoke and mirrors. Damages can be reversed and recovered. Advances NEVER cease.
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!