Anonymous ID: 994090 March 6, 2019, 5:11 p.m. No.5546385   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>China is nothing but a Jew puppet state and has been for 75 years.


This is more correct than most realize. The entire 'we smart, too smart and civilized and great to be controlled' is a carefully crafted narrative fed to east asiatics to ultimately blind them to ever encroaching control by (((globalist))) regime + their collaborators within these nations (high level).

Great many of the japanese, korean, and chinese industrialists, CEOs, media types, and politicians owe their original rise (family ties) either directly to international jewry/NWO agents OR indirectly through proxies of various organizations masquerading under various factitious causes.

Meanwhile, the great masses of east asia are blinded by artificially created 'propserity' and are basically prostituting themselves daily to the very thing they claim to hate: control and lack of soverign destiny.

Easy to crush both china style through calls of ethnic nationalism and state sanctioned media events (ebil murica, etc).

In fact, even with recent events showing just how fragile and precarious the artificial economic propserity of easy asia really is, you will scarce find many willing to accept the painful truth that it really wasn't their 'inhuman work ethics' etc.

Hard to swallow the idea, but tendency towards great self-delusion is a hallmark of an ideal slave.

(((globalists))) and their jewish agents love east asia for a reason. Where do you think the whole yellow fever bullshit originated from?