>>5546160 (lb)
twin towers - representing Hiya and Ohiya, the twin sons of Ishtar and Shemyhaza before the flood. One was pushed down, the other elevated. In the statues of black madonna, you can see the elevated child pictures as the baby she holds. The devalued twin is typically pictured as a child at the base of the statue. (castor & pollux)
Divine Twins - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_twins
(vintage pasta)
perhaps the destruction of the twin towers could symbolize the falling of the power of the Nephilim to Satan. even though the power and influence of all the groups of players on the enemy's team are memorialized on this planet, each group must yield its power to Satan in the end.
the order the enemy groups began affecting Mankind is:
1- Satan, and multitudes of his fallen angles
Shemyhaza, and the 199 other fallen Watchers
Ishtar, and the rest of the human wives, sirens, of the Watchers
the twin nephilim sons of Ishtar and Shemyhaza, and the rest of the nephilim offspring of women and Watchers.
going in reverse order from the present, the influence group that would fall first would be the Twin Nephilim.. Ishtar is very powerful in the realm of the fallen, but she also will give her power to Satan in the end.. i'm not wishing for anything bad to happen, but i can imagine her memorials also being destroyed at a point closer to Satan's final move.
the Watchers would be working closely with Satan and his fallen angels (AKA 'Serpents') in the end, perhaps leading a friendly 'alien' invasion, for example, but even the Watchers will yield to Satan in the end.. and i could imagine seeing their images destroyed closer to his final move, as well.
it may be tempting to imagine that the Watchers would be working strictly in tandem with Satan, but remember the book of Enoch (ch10 vs8) , where YHWH stated to 'ascribe all sin' to Azazel. Azazel is a 'serpent' type, one of Satan's.. not a Watcher.. and with all the sin being ascribed to Azazel, and Azazel answering to Satan, it stands to reason that all the Watchers fallen in sin would be subject to Satan as well.. also, Satan is the one who first committed sin.. and all those who commit sin, whether Watcher or Man, falls under his authority in their sin.
i'm not saying watch out for falling statues of liberty.. Ishtar's influence right now is huge.. but even she in her sin will have to yield to Satan in the end, as will anyone else who will choose not to repent.. and then in the end, Satan's image, the last image of fallen influence on the list, will be destroyed at Messiah's return.
(Order-Influence).................................||(Order-Destruction of Influence Memorials)
just a theory