>>5533892 pb
The first thing I thought when I looked at "The Wall" was, "Wouldn't that be an elegant place to hide an ELF antenna?"
The attenuation of ELF waves is so low that they can travel completely around the Earth several times before decaying to negligible amplitude, and thus waves radiated from a source in opposite directions circumnavigating the Earth on a great circle path interfere with each other.[20] At certain frequencies these oppositely directed waves are in phase and add (reinforce), causing standing waves. In other words, the closed spherical Earth-ionosphere cavity acts as a huge cavity resonator, enhancing ELF radiation at its resonant frequencies. These are called Schumann resonances after German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted them in 1952,[21][22][23][24] and were detected in the 1950s.
But I don't see how that connects to "CLAMP," except that a dig on
CLAMP implies that they mean "to reduce unwanted resonance."
Mayotte 17 related?