Anonymous ID: 3c1efa March 6, 2019, 9:11 p.m. No.5550910   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mueller knowingly sold the United States out! He was part of

crooked's team (bag man) that brought American Uranium

to the Russians. He then raided the Uranium 1 informants

home to cover up his and his cabals crime and get ahead

of a possible prosecution(unlikely will happen).

Mueller IS an American Traitor. And yet, the illegal,

seditious, framing, fraudulent "investigation" of POTUS

goes on and on now under 3 Attorney Generals none of which

has prosecuted anyone for the TONS of crimes committed.

It's not just a "Witch Hunt" is also a cover-up operation

to permanently buried their crimes.


Mueller, Weisman etc. etc→ all roads lead back to Crooked

& Hussein. The seditious traitorous criminals continue to run

the show 3-years in. A defacto shadow concurrent government

doing whatever it wants whenever. traveling the country

giving speeches and laughing at ALL OF US because THEY

ALL know that nothing will ever happen. They all got away

with crime after crime. No Justice just a whole lot of

talking while innocent people continue to be targeted and

persecuted. No ONE criminal has/will be held/hold

accountable. Move on people, this Republic as our ancestors new it is likely over. What a JOKE & DISGRACE.