Ah man, the picture forms.
It's all making so much sense now.
Just got a liberal to admit that their bias toward Trump is because they live in New York and he's a little too close to home.
Seemed explaining things in a concrete way helped.
Showing vids of him from the 80s/90s really wakes people up too if they dislike him.
I seem to recall some theory about Skull and Bones making China Communist, that even Mao was a member of Skull and Bones, but I have no effing idea.
She does look like she's in control, and he looks like a fuckin' wafer.
No wonder Japanese people love Americans.
It's funny seeing the same identical memes pop up once the kitchen ovens finish pre-heating.
Close the oven, anon. Keep the heat in.
Maybe Q will give each part (1-9) about 7 hours apart or however much it's been.