>>5551524 lb Q
The NWO tactics work because [assets] in our midst willingly aggressing upon our people are seemingly allowed to exist while our own are victimized with impunity.
People can unite…but not with those who clearly are up to playing the game to our negative, regardless of the 'ruling class' intentions.
If these [assets] are NOT dealt with harshly and basically 'BTFO' publicly with overwhelming force, this will not succeed.
People really have few basic things in mind as far as what they are hoping to see happen/assist in making happen.
Why is it so difficult for those in DC to understand how ridiculous it is for people to be convinced when IMMINENT aggression and hostiles who have invaded their nations are not dealt with by their 'patriots' with lethal response that many would expect of a legitimate nation state/people?
What happens when no responses are forth coming, [assets] still in place to commit crimes, and all they are allowed to absorb from hostile [[[msm]]] is daily reminder how they are victimized?
What effect does this have on general public?
What effect does this have on [assets] after 1.5 years into this project when they harbor racial/religious hatred towards our nation/peoples and are allowed to live/roam our streets without lethal responses?
Can people go in and start eliminating [[[msm]]] figures?
What happens to average individual when they show justified responses against these invaders?
Are law enforcement doing what they are supposed to be doing by hunting down these assets or are they even more impotent (optics wise) then general public?
What happens when instances of strikes against these asset demographics are squelched by [[[msm]]] and twitter/fb/search engines actively work to erase 'demoralizing' news for the assets but emphasize the damages they inflict against our people? What happens when such hostiles are permitted to continue to operate with seeming impunity?
What happens when our team spends greater time with 'unity' line and rebuking our own instead of taking out these ground level hostiles and groups that CLEARLY are at WAR with our people, as individuals, groups?
Does our own feel left out and abandoned and isolated in OUR OWN SOCIETIES and NATIONS?
What about companies and groups that constantly fire, demonize, ostracize, and attack those who dare stand up for their own race/people of OUR OWN WESTERN CIVILIZATION?
Instead they are given the line of 'unity', when ANY common sense indicates this is delusional at best.
When people' basic sense of security and stabilize/'sureness' is compromised this way and seemingly ignored/left behind by those supposedly working on their behalf, with or without [[[msm]]] masquerade, why is it a surprise it is difficult to 'wake up' anyone?
Realistic steps, one at a time?
Or hope for the moon and get nothing 'real' for people on the ground?
I honestly cannot understand why this is dragging on this long without obvious push back (necessary) against these hostile groups not materializing in a way that basically BTFO the tide [[[they]]] and the ruling class is trying to forment.
Overwhelming [[[their]]] optics with absolute force and destruction of THEIR assets instead of telling our own to stand down - would that not be the way to win?
Did POTUS win by being PC in 2016?
Did the asset class demographics during 2016 cycle and slightly after become more cautious because he was PC?
Or was it fear?
Well deserved one?
Why is our own constantly being chastised and rebuked for ENTIRELY JUSTIFIED emotions when our enemies optics and their hostile attitudes goes unchecked, and indeed, ELECTED TO CONGRESS?
Logically, none of this angle makes sense to anyone.