Anonymous ID: 0a823e March 6, 2019, 10:51 p.m. No.5552936   🗄️.is 🔗kun

@Dixiedoodle12 and her antisemitic sewer rats are at it again; they're picking things from Twitter profiles…the word 'Yahweh', the Star of David, and anything Jewish to spread lies and brainwash people to believe Jews are evil. You attack Jews for their 'Satanic' beliefs, but the Bible claims God condoned rape and slavery? Isn't rape and slavery Satanic? God is not Satanic. God is love; The ancients knew this but were killed by 'Christians' who wanted to keep people in the dark. The Library of Alexandria, which held our cosmological truth, was purposely destroyed to rewrite history. Your precious Bible was authored by King James, a pedophile murderer, but you say the Talmud is an abomination? Hypocrites. All organized religions distort the truth, brainwash people, and create fear to control people. Stop leading people astray with your lies. Yahweh was a Babylonian goddess? Yahweh is only for Jehovah's Witnesses? Jews are pedophiles who pray to a homosexual black tranny god? Lol…Fucking retards.


The Bible is based on ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, and Sumerian texts, so please, Christians, stop acting like it's the first book known to man. According to the Bible, Astrology is demonic, but the Bible ITSELF is based on astrology? Only a buffoon could believe this. The evil Vatican poses as Christians, the evil Satanists pose as Jews, and it perpetuates lies used to confuse/divide people. There is amazing wisdom in the Bible, but there are lies mixed in with that wisdom. Q knows the truth. Q said to unite, not divide, and that it's about good vs evil, NOT RELIGION. To the antisemites slandering & harming people, you are what God warned about. But you chose what you chose. In the end, you will lose. Remember, shills, Hell is for ETERNITY. Some of us you've insulted speak DIRECTLY to God and His angelic messengers. Some of us can SEE beyond this realm. Believe me, God is watching you. You can hide on the boards, but know you are being watched. There is code in this message, but you won't find it. Why? Because bigots have low IQs.
