Anonymous ID: e2aab0 March 6, 2019, 10:30 p.m. No.5552608   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2645


Exposing the upper level parallel Secret Government


The only way in which we are going to defeat this powerful

and insidious enemy is by educating our people, especially

our young people in the Constitution, and by standing fast on

our Christian faith. Otherwise, our priceless heritage will be

lost, forever. The power that Tavistock wields over this

nation must be broken.

Hopefully, this work will become a training manual in the

hands of millions of Americans, who want to engage the

enemy, but who have, hitherto, not been able to identify that



The political forces controlled by secret societies, all

opposing America's republican, constitutional ideals, do not

like anything that seeks to expose Tavistock Institute and

their disloyalty to America, and even less still, where such

disclosures cannot be ridiculed and ignored. Of course those

who engage in unmasking the deeds of our secret government

invariably pay a high price for such disclosures.

No one who is interested in the future of


America can afford

to ignore the manner in which Tavistock Institute has

whipsawed the American people and manipulated

government, even as the majority of Americans remain in

ignorance of what is transpiring. With the almost complete

control exercised over our nation by our upper-level, parallel,

secret government, America has ceased to be a free and

independent nation. One can generally fix the beginning of

our decline around the time that Woodrow Wilson was

"elected" by the British aristocracy.

Anonymous ID: e2aab0 March 6, 2019, 10:33 p.m. No.5552645   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2671 >>2781



Tavistock remains the mother of all research facilities in


America and Britain, and the leader in behavior modification

techniques, mind control and opinion making and shaping.

The Rand Institute at Santa Monica under the direction of

Tavistock created the phenomena known as "El Nino" as a

weather modification experiment. Tavistock is also heavily

engaged in the New Age "UFO" experiments and sighting of

aliens, under its mind control contracts with the C.I.A.

Rand Institute runs the ICBM program and does primary

analyses for foreign governments. Rand and



successfully profiled the white population of South Africa as

a preliminary to testing the waters for a Communist African

National Congress takeover, assisted and strongly supported

by the U.S. State Department. "Bishop" Desmond Tutu, who

played a leading role in the preamble to the fall of the white

government, is a creation of Tavistock.


Georgetown University was taken over in its entirety by

Tavistock, back in 1938. Its structure and programs were

reformatted to suit the Tavistock "brain trust" blueprint as a

center for higher learning. This has had great significance for

the United States when we consider that Georgetown

University was where Mr. Clinton learned his art of mass

manipulation and dissembling.


All State Department field agents are trained at Georgetown.

Three of its best-known graduates were Henry Kissinger,

William Jefferson Clinton and Richard Armitage.

Georgetown's "invisible army" loyalists have done untold

harm to the United States and will no doubt play their roles to

the full until the end, a time when they will be uprooted,

exposed and rendered harmless.


Some of the ugliest and most horrifying actions taken against

America were planned at Tavistock.


I am referring to the

bombing of the Marine compound at Beirut Airport, which

took the lives of 200 of our finest young servicemen. One

person believed to have been aware of the impending attack

by Lebanese terrorists, was Secretary of State George

Schultz. As unconfirmed reports stated at the time, Schultz

was tipped off in advance of the attack by the Mossad,

Israel's secret service agency.

Anonymous ID: e2aab0 March 6, 2019, 10:36 p.m. No.5552671   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2713



There is mounting evidence about an increase in the input

and influence Tavistock is having at the CIA. There are great

many other intelligence agencies receiving instructions from

Tavistock, notably the National Reconnaissance Office

(NRO), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DJA), the Treasury

Intelligence, and State Department Intelligence.


Every year when the anniversary of the murder of President

John Kennedy comes around I am reminded of the leading

role played in the planning of his public execution;

particularly the part played by MI6. After a 20-year in-depth

investigation into the murder of JFK, I think I have come

very close to the truth, as detailed in the monograph "The

Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. "

The unsolved murder of Pres. Kennedy remains a gross insult

against everything the United States stands for. How is it that

we, a supposedly free and sovereign nation, allow the cover

up of a crime to remain in place, year after year? Surely our

intelligence agencies know who the perpetrators of the crime



Surely we know that the murder of Kennedy was carried

out in broad daylight in front of millions of Americans, as an

insult, and a warning that the reach of the Committee of 300

goes far beyond what even our highest elected official was

able to defend himself against?


The perpetrators of the crime laugh at our confusion secure in

the knowledge that they will never be brought to justice, and

glorifying in the success of the foul deed and the inability of


We, the People, to pierce the corporate veil that hides their

faces from view.

The massive cover-up of the Kennedy assassination remains

in place. We have full details of how the House

Assassinations Committee failed to do its duty, ignoring

strong evidence and latching onto flimsy here-say; ignoring

the plain fact that the X-rays of Kennedy's head, taken at

Bethesda Hospital, were tampered with.

The list of the sins of the Committee of 300 and its servant, the

Tavistock Institute is endless.

Anonymous ID: e2aab0 March 6, 2019, 10:39 p.m. No.5552713   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2773



Tavistock has always been closely

associated with intelligence work, even as it is to this very

day. The case of Rudolph Hess may be of more than passing

interest to not a few of our readers. It will be recalled that

Hess was murdered by two SIS operatives in his Spandau

prison cell, the night before he was to be released.


The RIIA was afraid that Hess would blow the lid off what

had been kept a dark secret; the close relationship between

members of the British oligarchy—including Winston

Churchill—and the German Thule Society, of which Hess

had been the leader.


Of more than a passing interest is the fact, that the Tavistock

Institute was named after the 11 th Duke of Bedford, the

Marquise of Tavistock. The title was passed on to his son, the

12 th Marquise of Bedford. It was to his estate that Hess flew

in an attempt to end the war. But Churchill would have none

of it and ordered Hess to be arrested and imprisoned.



Duke of Bedford's wife committed suicide by taking an

overdose of sleeping pills, when it became apparent that Hess

would never be released, even when the war ended.

In my work "Who Murdered Rudolph Hess" and "King

Makers, King Breakers—The Cecils", I reveal just how close

was this virtual kinship with Hess and other important

members of Hitler's inner-circle right up to the start of WWII.


Had Hess succeeded in his mission to the Duke of Bedford,

Churchill and almost the entire British oligarchy would have

been revealed as frauds.


The same thing would have happened had Hess not been kept

a solitary prisoner at Spandau in Berlin, guarded for years

after the end of WWII by troops drawn from Britain, the

United States and the USSR, against all logic and at a

tremendous cost (estimated at $50,000 a day).


Because a changed Russia felt they could embarrass America

and Britain—especially Britain, they suddenly announced

Hess would be released. The British could not afford to run

the risk of having their wartime leaders exposed, so the order

was given to kill Hess.

Anonymous ID: e2aab0 March 6, 2019, 10:43 p.m. No.5552773   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2858 >>2946



In the period before the first years of WWII, Roosevelt,

(himself a 33 rd degree Mason and a member of the Illuminati

through the Society of Cincinnati,) sought Tavistock's help in

getting American into the war. Roosevelt was under the

direction of the "300" to help pull British chestnuts out of the

fire, but to do so, he needed a major incident to latch on to.

All during the period 1939 - 1941 U.S. Navy submarines

based out of Iceland attacked and sank German shipping,

although neutrality laws forbad engaging in hostilities with

the combatants. But Germany would not be drawn into



The major incident that was to precipitate

America's entry into WWII was Japan's attack on Pearl

Harbor. This was a Tavistock conspiracy against both

nations. In order to foster such an attack, Secretary of State

Marshall refused to meet with Japan's envoys seeking to head

off the coming conflict.

Marshall also deliberately delayed warning his commander at

Pearl Harbor until after the attack had begun. In short,


Roosevelt and Marshall both knew about the pending attack,

but deliberately ordered the information to be withheld from

their officers on the ground at Pearl Harbor. Tavistock had

told Roosevelt that "only a major incident" would get

America into WWII. Stimson, Knox and Roosevelt knew

about the impending attack, but did nothing to stop it.



Anonymous ID: e2aab0 March 6, 2019, 10:47 p.m. No.5552858   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2970



Do you find yourself responding to this information in a

"maladaptive way"? Do you say, "These actions cannot be the

actions of an American President? This is nonsense.


If this is your maladaptive response, then turn your attention

to the Boer War and you will soon see that Bush was only

emulating the Satanic barbarity of General Lord Kitchener

and Lord Milner in their war of extermination against the

Boer nation.


Also, it behooves us to recall that the tragedy of

Waco began on the Bush watch, and that vendetta against

David Koresh was carried on by the leader of the Republican



While Attorney General Reno and Clinton carried out the

actual policy of destruction for which Koresh was slated,

George Bush played a leading role in the ghastly tableaux in

which Koresh and 87 of his followers died.


Although it is not generally known, Tavistock had a hand in

the planning and might even have directed the onslaught by

the FBI and the ATF on Koresh and the Davidians. Tavistock

was represented by units of the British SAS who had been

involved in training the ATF and the FBI on how to destroy

Koresh and his followers and burn their church to the ground.


Waco was unholy black arts Satanism in action, no more and

no less.

The fiery end of Koresh and his followers was typical

Satanism at work, even though most of those who

participated in the high crime and violations of human rights

and the violation of the 1 st , 2 nd , 5 th and 10 th Amendment rights

of the victims, were not aware that they were in the hands of



They did not have the faintest inkling that they were

being used by spiritual forces of the darkest kind.

Tavistock's massive brainwashing of the America turned the

public against Koresh and the Davidians, setting the stage for

the destruction of lives and property at Waco, in utter

defiance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Anonymous ID: e2aab0 March 6, 2019, 10:53 p.m. No.5552970   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3077



At Waco, the Sheriff failed in his duty to order Tavistock's

agents and the FBI out of the county, as the FBI was not

investigating counterfeiting in conformity with the U.S.

Constitution. The FBI was at Waco illegally. It was all a part

of a carefully planned exercise to ascertain just how far the

Federal Government could go in violating the Constitution

before being brought up short.


Just as the British lower and middle classes were inflamed

against Germany at the commencement of WWI, through

propaganda lies that the Kaiser had ordered his soldiers to cut

off the arms of little children when they invaded Belgium and

Holland, just so Tavistock programmed Americans to hate



Tavistock's blast of lies about Koresh went out over the

airwaves, day and night: Koresh was having sex with very

young children in the "compound." His church, a simple

wooden structure, was labeled a "compound" by the mind

controllers at Tavistock. Another of Tavistock's gross lies

was that the Davidians were running an amphetamine lab in the

"compound". "Compound" became the Tavistock-coined



That Clinton gave the go-ahead to have the Davidians,

gassed, shot at, subjected to devilish music night and day,

and finally, burnt alive, is not surprising. Through the late

Pamela Harriman Mr. Clinton was introduced to Tavistock

and passed its mind control indoctrination initiation, during

his stay at Oxford. Thereafter, he was introduced to

Socialism/Marxism/Communism before being approved by

Tavistock to succeed Mr. Bush, the elder, who had outlived

his usefulness.


Tavistock planned and executed a massive media drive using

their polling profiling to implant Clinton in the minds of the

American people, as one well suited to run the nation.


It was Tavistock that arranged the strictly controlled Clinton

interview with CBS, after Geniffer Flowers revealed that he

had been her lover for the past 12 years, and it was Tavistock

that took control of the reaction of the American people in the

aftermath of the CBS interview. Thus, through its far-flung

network of polling and opinion-making assets the Clinton

presidency was not torpedoed, although without



having been in control from start to finish of the CBS

interview, it is certain that Clinton would have been forced to

resign in disgrace.

Anonymous ID: e2aab0 March 6, 2019, 11:01 p.m. No.5553077   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3149




Tavistock controls what "news" we see, what "home

movies" and television network movies we are allowed to

see; what music we listen to.


Behind this gigantic enterprise stands the Tavistock Institute

for Human Relations. As I have clearly demonstrated,

America is marching in lock-step with the gigantic movie-

music industry; hitherto unknown forces— powerful forces

whose sole aim and object is to pervert, twist and distort the

minds of our youth, to make it all the easier for the

Committee of 300 to usher in the Socialist New World Order

  • One World Government, in which the new Communists rule

of the world.

Anonymous ID: e2aab0 March 6, 2019, 11:06 p.m. No.5553149   🗄️.is đź”—kun




The United States is in the grip of the greatest and sustained

of mass mind control (brainwashing) and "conditioning"

program and it is reflected at every level of our society. The

masters of spin, deception, conniving, dissembling, half-

truths and its twin brother, outright lies, have the American

people by the throat.


Churchill, before he was "turned" declared in the House of

Commons that the Bolsheviks "have seized Russia by the hair

of its head."


We make bold to say that "Tavistock has seized

the head and the minds of the American people."

==Unless there is a great awakening of Spirit of 1776 and the

revival that took place among the generation that followed

the Founding Fathers, the United States is doomed to

collapse, even as the Greek and Ronan civilizations



What is needed is the formation of our own "invisible army"

of "shock troops" that will go into every village, every town,

every city across the length and breadth of the United States,

to deliver the counterpunch that will send the Tavistock

troops into full retreat and ultimate defeat.

Anonymous ID: e2aab0 March 6, 2019, 11:08 p.m. No.5553174   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Unless there is a great awakening of Spirit of 1776 and the

revival that took place among the generation that followed

the Founding Fathers, the United States is doomed to

collapse, even as the Greek and Ronan civilizations



What is needed is the formation of our own "invisible army"

of "shock troops" that will go into every village, every town,

every city across the length and breadth of the United States,

to deliver the counterpunch that will send the Tavistock

troops into full retreat and ultimate defeat