Anonymous ID: 00ab2b March 6, 2019, 11:33 p.m. No.5553539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, please consider this concerning our school system.


First I want to say, k-12 school has become a waste of time. The kids are taught the same thing, every year. A large portion of kids come out of high school, not even knowing how to read. School has become boring, for a lot of children. They can learn most of what high school teaches, just by researching online.


Our schools are in great need of massive reform. Kids spend 13 years of their lives in k-12 school. Yet they only qualify for low paying, minimum wage jobs, out of high school. This should change. At the very least, they should be able to get an associate's degree in high school. A kid should come out of high school and be able to go straight to work for H & R Block if they want to be an accountant. Kids should be able to get business degrees in high school, and any other associates degrees.


Why should kids be forced to go into debt, right out of high school, to pay for college, for the smaller degrees? When they already spend so many years in the school system? When we spend such a massive amount of taxpayer dollars, on k-12 school?


Knowledge SHOULD BE FREE. GOD gives knowledge freely, who is man to charge for that knowledge?

'My people perish for lack of knowledge'


This is what keeps people in poverty- they can't afford to go on to higher education, therefore, the cycle of poverty repeats. But since not everyone is meant for college, basic degrees ought to be offered in high school. REAL trades ought to be taught in k-12 school, also. Kids should be able to take trucking courses, true woodworking courses, automotive, etc. But not just a few courses, they ought to come out of high school, fully qualified for these type of jobs!

We should also be teaching kids basic life situations, in k-12 school, such as- how to figure your taxes, what taxes are to be paid, how to balance a checkbook, how to go about purchasing a home, or getting a loan for a home or car, how to obtain and keep good credit, how to do the basic things that kids are no longer taught by parents or schools.


Parents are trapped as slaves to this world- With both parents working and no time to teach their own children anything. There is barely time to bathe & feed your child, after work, before bedtime. Single mothers and single fathers have it even worse. They literally have no time to spend with their children. We have been made slaves to this worldly system. Parents need help! This is where the schools should step up.


Our schools are a joke. School only serves to indoctrinate our children with the liberal pathogen. Kids are learning nothing!

Please consider completely changing our entire k-12 school system so our children come out, truly educated.