Look at the lander, did this vehicle come from the lander?
The danger of discussing flat earth here, is that it's going to be used to discredit our findings.
The world isn't ready for that yet, so I think there is a coordinated effort here to discredit our findings by using weaponizing FE.
http:// thehill.com/homenews/administration/376673-read-trumps-remarks-at-gridiron-dinner
Tons of shit in here ….
"I especially have a place in my heart for Arthur Sulzberger. … Our stories are almost mirror images. I inherited a million dollars from my father—had a great father—gave me a million dollars and I turned it into billions. True story. Arthur inherited billions of dollars and he turned his into millions. Hello Arthur."
"I called Chuck Schumer and I asked him for some talking points. "