MZ in hearings and Mueller interview(s).
I didn't see any reply questions asking the greater one ->WTF was MZ doing w/Mueller and what was Mueller digging with this android from Star Trek?
Was he getting fact patterns mined from core players on P_T_S team? Phishing for sumthin' personal from his family social media?
Quick [look surprised] we are dealing with gubmint platforms and umbrellas now aren't we?
It explains why those useless school plays called congressional hearings produced zip- nothing- nada with these Tech companies and never will. Its our own government- dark …DARPA as it is.
So until that changes…… crickets
you know- been here since 11/17 a couple days after Q's first post.
Love night shift- quiet, rational, kek's, good bakers, less shills.
Day shift gets exciting when dropping memes and board goes nuts w Q lurking then dropping. Lags causing misspells. Gotta luv that too.
Seriously tho
I'm done.
Not hopeless- u guys are doing fantastic.
Adding it up and shaking my head.
Vote in 2018 was worthless- rumor has it the HOUSE loss was an inside job- WTF? Why bother. Lots of dedicated folks busted their assess off trying to get good candidates and districts flipped red or maintained. RINOs galore and no balls at all (save a few).
Hadn't voted in 30 years- walked away. Then came back
w/VOTE VOTE VOTE- hoorah! for what?
World is fucked up, the WAR is on. Needs prayers not my drops. Leave that to these pros on board. Great bakers here.
thanks for the room to rant a bit.
Its been nice.
Happy trails
and trials
and tribunals.
I'll be off on a beach somewhere- off the voter registration list once more and sittin' back with a beer instead. Enough.
Luv ya Q. Keep on keepin' on dude and dudettes.
Over and out.