Courtney Love = CIA asset.
What will Q's post #3,000 be? Any thoughts?
All that hopi shit is stupid. They were prophecies in case Hillary won.
Read the bible to see what really happens.
I hope so!
What a pair of dildo fucks.
I heard they keep kids in actual cages down underneath the Denver Airport.
Won't matter because the Chicoms will still have small peckers at the end of the day. No wonder they're always fucking pissed off at the western world.
From what this person said, the kids in cages are used for alien food underneath the Denver airport. Then you look at that fucked up Podesta artwork with kids in cages being carried by demons.
It was also discussed that Denver would be the new USA capital or NWO capital.
So yes, Denver is most def a hot NWO spot. Couple that artwork with the Georgia Grindstones. Keep humanity under 500,000,000
They want mass Genocide.
Meaning they want to start the biblical tribulation and have the Antichrist rule because the elite believe they will have a seat at his table. They are deceived.
Once the elite figure out that their plans are pretty much screwed. They will say "ROCKS, fall on us and hide us from the face of him whom sits on the throne!"
I ain't clicking that shit nigga!
Perhaps it's also a site where nephilim remains have been found. DNA testing. Hybrids. Fallen ones. Ghost in the shell.
You don't know shit niggs.
No shit. Tell us something we don't know.
One of the very first conspiracies on the interwebs was the Denver Airport.
Holy Shit if that's true.
I'm actually curious to see how all this deep state illuminati NWO shit will play out.
The bible talks about there being a 1 world government with a 1 world currency and people worshiping 1 entity.
Question is if Q plan succeeds great. But down the road something drastic happens were all of humanity is enslaved for 3.5 years. Mark of the Beast and all.
Liberal Commie Utopia for 3.5 years.
They have their agenda 2030 for a reason.
I still think the "ELITES" will play the aliens seeded us on earth and we should obey them..card.
The elites are desperate. They want to release the 4 angles that are bound under the great river Euphrates.
Yeah. Huge pill to swallow. Crazy stuff.
The Euphrates river has been drying up for a while now. Once it dries up the kings of the east will march. Once dried the 4 angels bound under the river are released.
Why do you think it's very important for the deep state to have control of the middle east?
I've seen footage of these people eating monkey brains after they kill the monkey.
Bound for 70 generations. Times almost up.