We are all Q
That would be like cutting their own throat, they don't want to touch the topic at all, they send the shills here hoping to discredited Q to the newfags as much as possible in hopes of keeping the movement from spreading.
That's interesting, sauce?
My belief is we'll find at some point we were much closer to the edge than many realized and that Donald Trump was a true Godsent in the literal terms. Had Hillary won, her connections to the cabal were all set in place, there would have been damn little that could have stopped them from enacting the plans they already had in place, just look what Obama had done to this country in just eight years, Hillary would have just kept on where he left off. Yeah, damn scary to think about.
Kek, that was good.
But know you bring to mind past memory, my brother in law use to work with the mentally challenged in an assisted living center, a few times I visited where he worked and got to know a few of the residents there. My take away from spending time there was many of them were very happy and kind hearted people, just unaware of the greater world around them, outside of that home. By that I mean politics, wars, social topics, the woes of the world. They were much like young children, just happy and enjoying life care free in their limited world, but in a way probably happier than the rest of us who carry the burdens of every day life. After spending some time with them I no longer pitted them, came away thinking maybe what God takes in one way he gives a blessing in another.
Reminds me of the watchers in the movie Noah
Kek, I don't think any of them get much sleep, I was wondering how late he/she would hang in there.
Cornell eh? Just over the hill from here, I use to shoot candid photos at the frat and sorority parties there on weekend nights for some extra coin, saw a lot things at those parties kek!
Kek!! Glad I didn't have a mouth full of drink when I read that!
You know I feel sorry for you shills, constant anger, man that must suck going through life like that. But then again, that's what the left promotes, they want you to be pissed off at the world, any you poor saps just blindly oblige them. Walk away man, start thinking for yourself, your being sold a sack full of lies, can't you see that yet? So sad…