Anonymous ID: 4ae69f March 7, 2019, 1:57 a.m. No.5554818   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4869



Just remembered: There was controversy about the murals and some were hidden or removed.


Here's a metric fuckload of links to dig on:

Anonymous ID: 4ae69f March 7, 2019, 2:11 a.m. No.5554869   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4870 >>4876 >>4958 >>5538



Anyone heard of this?



[OC] A reminder that the US Shadow Government legalized itself on 9/11 via "Continuity of Government".



The definition of 'Continuity of Government' is a set of contingency plans to ensure that essential government functions remain in place after a disaster such as nuclear war. In the United States, Continuity of Government plans have been on the books since at least the Eisenhower administration. The plans involved building intricate hidden command centers such as the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center built in 1959, nestled away in the Blue Ridge Mountains.


While the Government officially classifies Mt. Weather as a 'bunker', many sources claim that it is essentially a full blown city. According to, a respected institution in the intelligence community, Mount Weather contains a hospital, sewer treatment system, reservoirs, a power plant, an emergency television studio, and a thorough system of dormitories and office buildings.1


None of this is out of the ordinary, so to speak. It is reasonable for the government to have such plans in place. However, on September 11, 2001, the Continuity of Operations plan was officially activated and has been live ever since, meaning that Mt. Weather and similar installations are likely in operation today.


,“A national emergency exists by reason of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, New York, New York, and the Pentagon, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States,” President George W. Bush proclaimed on September 14, 2001.


Dick Cheney officially enacted the “Continuation of Government” plans shortly after the World Trade Center attacks, although the Bush Administration would not confirm that this took place until March, 2002.2 A simultaneous 'State of Emergency' was declared and is also in effect today, extended each year by George Bush, Barack Obama, and then Donald Trump.^3


CBS reported:


“A 'shadow government' consisting of 75 or more senior officials has been living and working secretly outside Washington since Sept. 11 in case the nation's capital is crippled by terrorist attack. "This is serious business," President Bush said of plans to ensure the continuity of government.


Such an operation was conceived as a Cold War precaution against nuclear attack during the Eisenhower administration but never used until now. It went into effect in the first hours after the terror attacks and has evolved over time, said senior government officials who provided details of the plan.


Under the classified "Continuity of Operations Plan," which was first reported by The Washington Post in its Friday editions, high-ranking officials representing their departments have begun rotating in and out of the assignment at one of two fortified locations along the East Coast.


The Post said the first rotations were made in late October or early November, a fact confirmed by a senior government official late Thursday.


Officials who are activated for the duty live and work underground 24 hours a day, away from their families, according to the Post. The shadow government has sent home most of the first wave of deployed personnel, replacing them most commonly at 90-day intervals.


The government-in-waiting is an extension of a policy that has kept Vice President Dick Cheney in secure, undisclosed locations away from Washington. Cheney has moved in and out of public view as threat levels have fluctuated.”4


Serious business indeed. There have been instances where Congressmen have been stonewalled when trying to learn more about the secret operations. One example is Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio, a key member of the Homeland Security Committee, pushed to review the classified portion of the Continuity plan in a secure setting in 2007 but his access was denied.^5

Anonymous ID: 4ae69f March 7, 2019, 2:11 a.m. No.5554870   🗄️.is đź”—kun



What can we know about the Continuity of Operations plan currently in effect? Patrick Thronson, editor-in-chief of the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, has put together the most comprehensive publicly available paper detailing the states of emergencies and powers granted to the executive branch.6 Available knowledge is naturally incomplete because many powers and documents are still classified. Some highlights include:


• Congress is required by statue to vote on the continuation of a state of National Emergency every six months. Since September 11th, 2001, it has only happened once.


• There are currently thirty simultaneous declared states of emergency.


• The Executive Branch can freeze the assets and prevent financial transactions of individuals. This extends to even basic life necessities. They can go as far as to prohibit donations of food to said person.


• The president can unilaterally order the inspection and seizure of commercial vessels.


• The president is authorized to suspend or alter rules for broadcast stations, or authorize control of said station.


• Provisions to suspend or control internet traffic.


"Thus, the only apparent legal obstacle standing between present conditions and this degree of government control over mass media and telecommunications is a presidential order. " – Thronson


• The ability to seize property


• The delegation of 'maintaining law and order' to the department of defense.


• Extend military tours of duty beyond contractually agreed termination dates.


"A nation under thirty states of national emergency can hardly claim that emergency laws are the exception to—rather than the rule of—normal governance. " – Thronson


Pretty fucking shocking, right? A legitimate shadow government revealed itself for a moment, and wields extreme powers secretly, and no one is talking about it.


This is such an important part of the puzzle. Everything is staged because this secret group of psychopaths is pulling the strings. This is the group that is truly controlling the actions of the NSA, DARPA, Military etc.


The implications are that the workings of Congress, the Justice Department, the Presidency and other institutions have become merely a show to distract from the reality that a secret government which does not respond to civilian rule and has granted itself sweeping, unchecked powers and is certainly directly operating in the realm of foreign policy, covert activities and likely domestic espionage, among other potential activities.


Think about how controlled the media has to be for no one to be talking about it. And how ridiculous the overton window of debate seems when you realize it is completely removed from reality.


We are all yelling at each other hating each other right now and it's this way by design, so we fight ourselves instead of the people truly controlling us.


Thanks for reading


Love vibes, Timothy.


1 Mount Weather profile at


2 CBS, “The Shadow Government,” February 11, 2009


3 MSNBC, “Obama quietly extends post-9/11 state of national emergency,” September 11, 2013


4 CBS, “The Shadow Government,” February 11, 2009


5 Oregon Live, “DeFazio demands access to classified information,” July 27, 2007


6 Patrick Thronson, “Towards Comprehensive Reform of America's Emergency Law Regime,” March 23, 2013


Food for Thought:


Is there any limit to the powers that the shadow government has granted itself?


Why has there been nearly zero coverage of the Continuity of Government in the media? Why have only one or two congressman openly questioned its existence?


Who is in control of the Continuity of Government operations? What is their agenda?

Anonymous ID: 4ae69f March 7, 2019, 2:14 a.m. No.5554876   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4906



And this:

From Reddit:


19 points ·

7 months ago


That horse with the weird demon eyes fucking fell on its creator and killed him!


level 2


5 points ·

7 months ago


Then killed the guy repairing it.

Anonymous ID: 4ae69f March 7, 2019, 2:18 a.m. No.5554888   🗄️.is đź”—kun



I remember reading this years ago. Has a couple of stories about N and S portals. Might be time to review in light of new Q drops


n Dr. Raymond Bernard’s book called “The Hollow Earth” he tells of a man who confirmed Admiral Byrd’s story. Dr. Nephi Cotton of Los Angeles reported that one of his patients, a man of Nordic descent, told him the following story:


“I lived near the Arctic Circle in Norway. One summer my friend and I made up our minds to take a boat trip together and go as far as we could into the North country. So we put a months worth of food provisions in a small fishing boat and set to sea.


“At the end of one month we had traveled far into the north, beyond the Pole and into a strange new country. We were much astonished at the weather there. Warm, and at times at night it was almost too warm to sleep. Then we saw something so strange that we were both astonished. Ahead of the warm open sea we were on what looked like a great mountain. Into that mountain at a certain point that ocean seemed to be emptying. Mystified, we continued in that direction and found ourselves sailing into a vast canyon leading into the interior of the Earth. We kept sailing and then we saw what surprised us… a Sun shining inside the Earth.


“The ocean that had carried us into the hollow interior of the Earth gradually became a river. This river led, as we came to realize later, all through the inner surface of the world from one end to the other. It can take you, if you follow it long enough, from the North Pole clear through to the South Pole.


“We saw that the inner surface of the Earth was divided, as the other one is, into both land and water. There is plenty of sunshine and both animal and vegetable life abounds there. We sailed further and further into this fantastic country, fantastic because everything was huge in size as compared with things on the outside. Plants are big, trees gigantic and finally we came to giants.


“They were dwelling in homes and towns, just as we do on the Earth surface, and they used a type of electrical conveyance like a mono-rail car, to transport people. It ran along the river’s edge from town to town.


“Several of the Inner Earth inhabitants, huge giants, detected our boat on the river, and were quite amazed. They were, however, quite friendly. We were invited to dine with them in their homes, and so my companion and I separated, he going with one giant to that giant’s home and I going with another giant to his home.

Anonymous ID: 4ae69f March 7, 2019, 2:22 a.m. No.5554906   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5102 >>5229 >>5437



Sauce on the sculptor killed by Blu>>5554869



Fuck me - you just can't make this shit up!


DIA Sculptor Killed By Own Sculpture

Luis Jimenez Killed By 'Mustang' Piece


POSTED: 6:13 am MDT June 15, 2006

UPDATED: 4:26 pm MDT June 16, 2006


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Luis Jimenez, a successful but often controversial sculptor whose work was supposed to be installed at Denver International Airport this year, died Tuesday in what authorities are calling an industrial accident.


Part of a 32-foot sculpture was being moved with a hoist at Jimenez's New Mexico studio when it came loose and struck the artist, pinning him against a steel support, said the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department. He was taken to the Lincoln County Medical Center, where he was later pronounced dead.


"Luis Jimenez's loss to the United States, to New Mexico, to the Chicano community is great," friend David Hall told Albuquerque television station KRQE. "He was an icon, he was a very famous and well-respected artist. … We will dearly miss him."


Jimenez, 65, was known for his large and colorful fiberglass sculptures that depicted fiesta dancers, a mourning Aztec warrior, steelworkers and illegal immigrants. His work has been displayed at the Smithsonian and the Museum of Modern Art. It's often started arguments and spurred emotions.


"It is not my job to censor myself," Jimenez once said. "An artist's job is to constantly test the boundaries."


Nancy Fleming, a friend of the artist, said Jimenez was working on a huge fiberglass rendering of a rearing horse when he died. That sculpture, named Mustang, was bound for DIA. Fleming said he was making the statue in three pieces: the head, middle and legs.


"Mr. Jimenez's untimely death is a tragic loss for the nation's art community," said Erin Trapp, director of the Denver office of cultural affairs. "He will be remembered for his artistic vision, compassion and generosity through a rich legacy of work."


The airport and the cultural affairs office will work with the local community to determine how the piece can be finished, the office said in a news release.


Earlier this year, the airport threatened to sue Jimenez again because he had not finished his piece on time. He had been working on the sculpture for more than 10 years and had been given several deadlines. His last deadline was May 31 but it passed with no sign of the horse. He was to be paid $300,000 for the piece.


The city sued Jimenez to get back an upfront payment of $165,000 and finished parts of the sculpture. Jimenez filed a counter suit after the airport considered putting the sculpture inside the terminal instead of on a street median outside as originally agreed. Both lawsuits were dismissed.


James Moore, former director of the Albuquerque Museum, praised Jimenez's abilities.


"If there were a Michelangelo living in our time in terms of talent and creativity, Luis was it," Moore said, adding that Jimenez was always concerned with humanity and social conditions.


Gov. Bill Richardson ordered flags to be flown at half-staff Thursday and Friday in honor of Jimenez.


Jimenez grew up in El Paso, Texas, and learned to paint and to fashion large works out of metal in his father's sign shop. He graduated in fine arts from the University of Texas in Austin and lived in New York City for a time.


In 1969, he created "Man on Fire," a sculpture of a man in flames that drew its inspiration both from Buddhist monks in South Vietnam who burned themselves and the Mexican story of Cuahtemoc, set afire by Spanish conquerors. The sculpture was displayed at the Smithsonian.


Jimenez recently completed a mud casting of firefighters and three fiberglass flames as part of a memorial for the city of Cleveland.


Jimenez won numerous awards and his work is on display at public sites across the nation and in New Mexico, including the University of New Mexico and Albuquerque's Martineztown.


Some of his pieces also are in museum collections, including the Museum of Fine Arts in Santa Fe.


"I think because his works are so monumental – they have a presence in communities that other artists who show in galleries maybe don't have – that their presence will stay on with us," Fleming said. "His vision and his technique will stay with us. We will miss anything more that he might have produced."


Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



Anonymous ID: 4ae69f March 7, 2019, 2:27 a.m. No.5554931   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4937



I remember hearing after 911 that they were turning them all into spies. Can't remember the number, but you can probalby pull it up with a search.


It was a higher percentage than I would have thought. check reddit/r/conspriacy as I saw it on there 2007-8 ish