Anonymous ID: 558a77 March 7, 2019, 4:29 a.m. No.5555523   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Without saying it outright Q long ago told us these things about Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon etc. The reason they stick together as a consortium to control, delete, and ban those who don't support their agenda is because they are all owned and controlled by the Clowns. These tech companies all came into existence within a few years of one another. Smaller ones were taken over by bigger ones–until its just a few of them that dominate the social media landscape.


Zuckerburg, Bezos, @Jack, Pichai… are all puppets/placeholders. None of them is actually a billionaire. The companies that they work for are Clown ops. Everything they have actually belongs to the Clowns. Their lifestyles and wealth are a part of the Clown show.


How can we know this? When you look back at their alleged beginnings the stories don't add up. Either all of these folks are incredibly lucky, or we are incredibly stupid to believe their crap. You don't keep losing money consistently year after year and then suddenly one day you're a billion dollar company. Netflix is the latest Clown subsidiary to join the fray. Ever wonder how they suddenly have all that money to be spending hundreds of millions of dollars on original content? Does anyone remember the original Netflix? Suddenly huge, and aggressively pushing pedophilia, the Obamas, hired Susan Rice, producing lots of shows featuring extremist Lefty HWOOD celebrities…Same story as the others. Interesting, isn't it? We dug into the CEO of Netflix a long time ago. He isn't who he appears to be either. These CEOs are all rabid socialists who were put in their position for a very specific reason. That reason is being made very clear to everyone whose eyes are opened now.


But Clown control isn't just about social media. Its the legacy media as well. Think about it. All of them are owned by just a handful of Clown puppets. About 30 years ago we had 3 Networks and a few cable channels. Today we have over a thousand channels, and they try to make it look as though the ownership and content is coming from a wide variety of places…but its the same handful of people who own it all, and they too are puppets for the Clowns. We on the Chans have known about 'Mockingbird' from the start.


Watch out for the one year delta. It seems evident that upcoming widescale exposure of all this stuff to the public is what will trigger the flight of MZ and @Jack that Q posted early last year.