That would make for some rich weed
I said last night, all this massive data collection is for control over us, this would be just one example how they would use our data against us to control us, consider China as a test run.
After decades of compiling a file on each one of us, should they deem you the enemy they could shift that data and find crimes you committed. We all commit crimes without knowing or intending to do so. One simple example, over just one decade how many across state line purchases would you estimate you made? Pay tax on each one of those purchases? Tax evasion, so there is one crime, the number of counts, fill in the blank (?) Now move onto the next charge against you… Starting to see the picture?
First, Your parents should have taught you civility, at your age you shouldn't need to be reminded, it should come naturaly.
Second, Treat others with the same leniency, courtesy and respect you demand for yourself.
Third, Knock that chip off your shoulder, you're not the smartest guy in the room and no one died leaving you boss.