While it is logical to consider all possibilities (eg, Trump=Saint, Trump=anti-Christ, etc) and to assign probabilities to each possibility, and evaluate correlating variables in the pattern to see which is coming to pass, it is not logical to ignore the reality of who YOU are and who is really in control.
First, deception says “Worry worry, God is not in control! You must act a certainty way!” This is a false imagination that steals your peace.
Second, deception says, “I know what is best for everyone else!” This is a false imagination that steals glory from the Creator.
Third, deception says, “That person is bad, and evil, and damned; that person is part of a group that is bad for our world; we must be separate and clean!” While walking in right-standing is the goal, this false imagination falls victim to the deception that we are not all connected, that we are not all aspects / children / images of the Creator. Pride of self focuses inward on your carnality instead of outward as a servant to ALL.
What must YOU do? Pray. Find that peace where you are perfectly aligned with the masculine will of the Creator. Remove self from the equation. No worry, no fear.. just perfect love. All your thoughts, actions, words should be checked by this spirit of love and the peace that comes with this alignment with the perfect will of the Creator. Then, as you go about your day, you are accomplishing that Will and God will use you according to the purpose set for you.
When you do this, what worry should you have? None. If you feel this worry, know that you have stepped out of perfect peace and begin to evaluate what you have done wrong to fix your walk.