Anonymous ID: 3ff961 March 7, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.5559718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0210



Close.. but you missed it by that much.


Your argument assumes that posts are about future military ops or plans. In nearly every case the stringers and mil stuff is posted after an event, but before public disclosure by media.


For long-range plans and statements.. much of which is assumed to be a forecast.. with the intent of building a case for belief / credibility by “future proves past” mantra. Sure, some is moves and counter-moves.. action reaction.. the game.


But consider this, in some cases, the appearance of choice is a lie. The maze is constructed and pathways set .. and choice is an illusion. Posting statements of future plans can now be done because regardless of the choices made by the opposition, the outcome is assured. 12 steps ahead. The chess master.


We could see how the Mueller probe was going to end.. the Dems have always known there is nothing there.. always. Only their followers believe.. and some of you worried. It was logical they would try to shift to hearings .. what was not logical (or we do not see the rationale for) was not DECLAS before midterms (justice supposed to be blind to politics). But a master chess player knows you have to sacrifice sometimes, feint to draw your opponent in, and they fell right into the next step of the maze.


They are rats.. seeing only 1 doorway of light.. with the cat (Huber) sneaking outside somewhere.. and the Dogs (anons and some in Congress) barking barking .. they sent out fodder to test the situation .. expending ammo. But now blockade removed .. and stealth bomber revealed.. and they expend more ammo. Less and less choices .. no choices at all since the beginning.. Weismann has to do what he did.. Capt. Johnston fed them what they needed to reinforce their choices.. Trump constantly trolling and attacking Sessions and others reinforced their choices..


Research.. learn.. educate newbies.. red pill people.. never sleep again.. but remember to live! Even a soldier must have R&R from time to time.

Anonymous ID: 3ff961 March 7, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.5559779   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer years ago.. she should be dead due to mortality rate.


She had lung cancer module removed.. likely this is evidence of other cancer.


If she is alive, it is maintaining life.

Anonymous ID: 3ff961 March 7, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.5559988   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Look up Kleiner Caufield Perkins Beyer and Sequoia Capital.. they funded the start ups before going public.


Important to evaluate connection with Brin and Stanford .. Anne’s father.. Stamper from Carnegie Mellon.


Why would Soviet Union let accomplished mathematics expert ( Lorenz field / scalar / dynamical systems) leave Moscow and emigrate to the west?


Jews were not allowed near advanced math like this for fear of getting nuclear intel and passing to Israel. But both mom and dad allowed to emigrate? Passed thru Warsaw (Wojcicki family came thru there too). Who got dad University if Maryland gig? Who got mom Goddard Space Center gig?


Isn’t it convenient that mom had odd genetic disorder that Anne studied with 23andMe before her marriage to Sergei? And her youngest sister studied racial and cultural movements (anthropology) and diseases (epidemiology)?


They do not marry for love.


What prize did Page win? And Sergei’s role? Who developed the algorithm? Page? What happened to Page? Eric Schmidt placed in position when public?


KCPB - picked some of the best start-ups to back.. not because they are good or lucky.. because they worked on instructions to fund this venture wherein tech was fronted by cabal using darpa (and others) .. for eventual long term plans. Sometimes compartmentalized so even Brin doesn’t have full picture. Overnight billionaires are not in control.. they are figureheads. Follow the attorneys. Unusual Knights of Malta connection.

Anonymous ID: 3ff961 March 7, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.5560182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0206


This is fake news .. MIC trying to keep us there so they can “recreate” ISIS again..


KSA and UAE and others in the region are supposed to take over the monitoring / peacekeeping role in Syria. US presence in Iraq if needed to support. This is why Pompeo went and told them to wrap up Yemen.