Anonymous ID: 46dfaf March 7, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.5560021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0028 >>0032 >>0150

Milo Yiannopoulos has officially been barred from Australia after a canceled tour and a string of controversies


The right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos has been barred from entering Australia following the sudden cancellation of his tour in the country scheduled for December.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported on Wednesday that the Australian government barred him on the basis of his character.

Yiannopoulos' 2017 Australian tour was marred by protests, and he was fined more than $35,000 by the state of Victoria.

The right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos has been barred from entering Australia following the sudden cancellation of his tour in the country scheduled for December.


The Sydney Morning Herald reported on Wednesday that the Australian government rejected the former Breitbart editor's visa application and barred him on the basis of his character. The report said he has a month to appeal the ban.


A letter to Yiannopoulos from Australian immigration officials before Wednesday reportedly said they had a right to bar someone who could "incite discord in the Australian community or in a segment of that community."


Read more: Chelsea Manning may be banned from visiting Australia because she doesn't meet the country's 'character' test'


Yiannopoulos' 2017 Australian tour sparked outrage and violence, particularly in Melbourne, Victoria, where his show attracted an extra 300 police officers to deal with protests. Victoria fined Yiannopoulos more than $35,000.


Last year, Yiannopoulos was slammed for encouraging vigilantes to start "gunning journalists down," two days before a Maryland newspaper was targeted in a shooting that killed five people.


On Facebook on Tuesday, Yiannopoulos reposted part of a statement from Pauline Hanson, a far-right Australian politician, who claimed that Yiannopoulos and Tommy Robinson, a far-right British activist, did not promote violence but were "victims of violence."


Australia has barred several other controversial figures, including Chelsea Manning and Gavin McInnes, the founder of the far-right Proud Boys group.

Anonymous ID: 46dfaf March 7, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.5560129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0207



President Donald Trump’s former chief of staff Gen. John Kelly said Wednesday that he probably would have worked for a potential President Hillary Clinton had she asked him to, saying that service to the country is more important than politics.


The Gold Star father made the comments during a Q&A session at Duke University, which ABC News was able to obtain an audio recording of. (RELATED: Here’s Who’s In The Mix To Replace John Kelly)


“If I had gotten the call — if Hillary Clinton won the presidency and she had called and said, ‘I really need a good chief of staff here,’ I’d have probably done it,” Kelly said. “Politics aside, it’s all about governing the country.”


When asked what advice he would give to current White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, Kelly jokingly said, “Run for it,” but then continued more seriously, saying Mulvaney should tell Trump “what he needs to hear.”


Brian Fallon, a CNN contributor and former communications director for Clinton’s campaign, once called Kelly “odious” on Twitter after Kelly gave a briefing on the president’s decision to call the families of four soldiers killed in Niger in 2017.


“Don’t be distracted by the uniform.” Fallon wrote “Kelly isn’t just an enabler of Trump. He’s a believer in him. That makes him as odious as the rest.”


A four-star general in the U.S. military, Kelly served as Trump’s chief of staff for roughly 17 months, before leaving the White House at the start of 2019. Prior to his time in the West Wing, Kelly served as the secretary of Homeland Security for the first six months of Trump’s administration.