I had the same idea.. (stair steps)
4 people dead or stepping down in quick succession..
Gull Island Alaska, Bakken Oil Fields..
We are also sitting on about 1.2 trillion barrels of sweet oil. Only three places on earth have sweet oil. Sweet oil is not crude oil and is the most expensive as it only needs to be filtered and can be put directly into a car. We've been waiting for this since 70's oil shortage (false event as their was actually plenty of oil in Gull Island. If we open the valves,it would plunge the dollar amount of oil very, very low per barrel price.
Or….instead of solar and wind, we go directly to Tesla based electrical systems using high frequency, high voltage, low ampres… Then, we won't need to use inefficient electron manipulation devices as we do today. He also was working on ionic systems instead of electron based. THAT would make us all free and not dependent on the pyramid/s scheme..
But, you're thinking in today's knowledge of what an electrical motor is. How would you like an electrical motor that also generates it's own power, does not heat up (doesn't produce photons) and at higher frequencies and voltages, produces a cleaner form of electrical energy? It already exists under lock and key. This is why some of us are waiting for Teslas papers to be released, the patents opened up to the public. (hopefully) It will be far beyond your way of thinking how any electrical circuit functions.
Oh ya…haven't even covered higher bandwidth speeds.. Real time.
BOOM 1 - post 830
Deals with Censorship, mind control, etc..
BOOM 2 - post 833
Deals with Mind warfare, conspiracy labels, "we are winning against them".
BOOM 3 - post 838
Is silent.. or.. Deals with social media, how they attack.
BOOM 4 - post 844
Is an "unknown" but also contains all four booms in stair case ascending succession.