Anonymous ID: b4ccc1 March 7, 2019, 12:20 p.m. No.5561417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1435 >>1451 >>1471 >>1499 >>1503 >>1529








I posted this late the other day. Posting again during the day shift this time since MJ was

brought up.


I personally didn't find the MJ accusers credible at all, to be honest. I thought they and their families were fake as fuck. They went from defending him as kids, to now wanting a pay day. The documentary offered no new evidence that I saw, only talk. Just a smear campaign. They admitted multiple times throughout they were jealous that Michael had other friends. They and their families probably wanted the Free ride to last forever and were upset when it ended. Fuckin moochers. Couldn't help notice how many times they say a couple of lines then CUT away. Little increments of rehearsed lines.


Michael was a weird dude for sure. An adult with massive amounts of money, trying to make up for an abusive and lost childhood. He was never a regular child, he was a star in the spotlight. He was an easy target for those that did not like his positive messages and speaking out against corruption. Positive messages and going against the system puts you in the crosshairs. We know that, many proofs exist of famous people speaking out, then having mysterious sudden deaths.


This documentary does nothing for me. And fuck what Oprah has to say, even though I'll watch that next for the sake of knowing what is said.


How's Oprah's 'faith healer, John of God', by the way?

Anonymous ID: b4ccc1 March 7, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.5561537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1553 >>1584


He was clearly abused as a child, and sadly many such abuse victims become victimizers.


You're right, that is the case, sometimes. The cycle continues. Doesn't mean it ALWAYS does. People CAN and DO break that cycle.


He was Acquitted of ALL charges in court though. Now we're supposed to believe 2 people flipping their story years later after Michael passed. Just two guys looking for money. Cleared in court now we are supposed to take these guys on their word? Imagine if we believed Kavanaugh's bullshit accusers or Jussie Smollett's MAGA hoax.


People lie for selfish reasons and sometimes those people are puppets to a larger agenda at play. You know that though, YOU'RE HERE.

Anonymous ID: b4ccc1 March 7, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.5561771   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm honored you have to ask. I'm not very good at PS. Yes, shopped. But the original says "Impeach the motherfucker" like she said in that now famous video. I only added, 're-elect the'. Anon posted the original earlier. I accidentally saved over it.