Do you know anything about Dicyanin?
>Dicyanin is a blue dye. It is not a drug. It is not physically dangerous. It is not poison. However, you cannot buy it. The chemical company that makes Dicyanin assigns a security code to its customers. To see how high Dicyanin is classified we asked a government chemist if he could order some. His security code allowed him to buy all the LSD or Heroine or Cocaine he wanted but when he requested Dicyanin Dye he was told he was not cleared high enough to obtain it.
>Why not ? Well, Dicyanin Dye has "special" properties. If you make a window using two panes of glass with Dicyanin Dye between and look into it you can see the Astral World directly. Now, if you are a psychic or meditation student, you can see the Astral World too but this dye allows ANYONE to see it. Now you see why it has a higher security rating than Heroin ! If people could buy this simple dye [freely available in the 1940's] they could prove to themselves and anyone else the existence of another Plane of reality.
>Private researchers used Dicyanin Dye before the Government locked it away in the 1940's. This gives an approximation of the time when the decisions were being made to censor all available knowledge so that new generations could be "programmed" into a belief system that was manufactured by the Government and which had no relation to true reality.
>Kirlian Photography yields images similar to Dicyanin, but it is limited because it yields still pictures as opposed to a real-time continuous view.