Anonymous ID: 6c6a2e March 7, 2019, 2:37 p.m. No.5563472   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5563341 (all pbs)

Anyone who has ever lived in a turd world country knows that power is power. KEK...where I lived your power bill was based not on usage but zip bill was 1,500 USD a month...NO AC, NO DW, only lights, hot water (a luxury) and dryer. a few blocks over..they were paying pennies. We had a backup generator on the building, back up water too...because the power would go out regularly nearly every day.


LOL I find it interesting you only call out the namefags you don't like



>>5563402 hom's don't work brah. All I think about you and your endless ad "here's a fucking brain dead idiot who is incapable of independent thought, who is SO terrified of the truth getting out they try to stop others from paying attention."

Anonymous ID: 6c6a2e March 7, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.5563607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5563343(all pbs)

KEK...AIPAC is coming after AOC...I love it...a backwards sort of way to bring dark to light...but too little WAY too late.



>If she asks that, he'd probably say something like "well we can't do that now that you're running, we'll get back to that after you lose".


Yeah, the old "we can't be seen to be going after political opponents" thing. He's already played that fucking card, it's not going to work again.


With all his stupid ass MIGA, back tracking on immigration, and slow walking justice, one might think that he was just Hillary's John the Baptist...the forerunner. William Barr is anti gun...and most of Congress now, is ANTI GUN since we lost the mid terms despite Q's assurances...and....wait for it...we LOST the mid think do you suppose the general election is going to go?


State by state eliminating electoral college, some refusing to put him on the ballot at all (see NJ), other states flat out refusing to count CITIZENS and letting illegals vote, all 100% completely unopposed by the federal gov....and you really think 2020 is gonna be a Trump landslide?


NOPE. It was supposed to be, it would have been..but they fucked it up entirely by listening to KUSH and slow walking versus flamethrower.



Anonymous ID: 6c6a2e March 7, 2019, 2:51 p.m. No.5563713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5563215 (all pbs)

>Exactly, he was ALMOST there…but listening to KUSH about not using a flamethrower, but slow walking instead? Gave them time to repair the timeline.


>Now the only thing left to do is sit back and watch. Those of us who tidied it up in the first place…can't do it again. The first time has left most of us half dead.


>Those mystery booms? I know what they are…but it's pointless now. And I am genuinely sad. I had such great hope….but it is what it is. We actively chose this destiny by believing proof without action.





Repeat for the win.



>There is another threat against him…but meh, this time I can't be bothered. I've mulled on this for days…let's just say the AD XR has been tampered with…only a few each batch, but enough. Fucking idiots should have put a damn stop to THAT from the beginning. It doesn't matter anymore..the window to freedom is merely cracked at the moment and closing quickly. The method is to dick with circulation...very very slow filling up the arteries until BOOM. can almost see it...

Anonymous ID: 6c6a2e March 7, 2019, 2:57 p.m. No.5563796   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the only way to stop what's coming is to use it on Israel…to accidentally them the way they have accidentally us for centuries. Trump..have you forgotten who you are? They are your natural enemies haven been ordered to kill all of us…by Jehovah…wake the fuck up.


I mean, what could the consequences possibly be? Wipe that shithole off the map, execute everyone in positions of power? I don't know what the answer is…but now that they control the DNA databases…it is quite literally…them or us.

Anonymous ID: 6c6a2e March 7, 2019, 3:05 p.m. No.5563898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4010 >>4118


Are you a fucking fucktard? Jews stole the history of nearly every other ancient civilization and co-opted the stories as their own. I've never seen such a level of retard (not, really there's more retard than you)..




Moses aka Akhentaten

Daughter Scota married to Sythican king fled to Scotland..


Anyone ever wonder who Isaac's father REALLY was?


Anyone ever wonder why some illiterate (abraham) backwards desert nomad waltzed into Egypt and was welcomed by the Pharoah?


Anyone ever wonder…how Joseph rose to one of the highest offices in egypt?


Anyone ever done comparative lit to see that the jews stole Sumerian stories and made themselves heroes because they were such FAIL creations on their own?


JEALOUS GOD….oh yes Enil…you most certainly were…and you ordered your "people" to kill every man, woman, and child…what were you trying to wipe out? Superior blood? Is that why (((YOU))) run hunt and kill using your DNA databases?


You are scare shitless of Trump…the red headed people of Enki…


Israel is the fucking deep state you idiot.


NOTHING is going to change what I know about that place and the people who claim it. For centuries (((THEY))) have tried to rise to positions of power around the world..for centuries they have controlled and inflicted religion on the world to keep it divided and at odds…the only way to end this is to end them….to become like them for just a few seconds…end them before they end us.


You have NO idea what they are capable of.

Anonymous ID: 6c6a2e March 7, 2019, 3:07 p.m. No.5563931   🗄️.is 🔗kun


HAHAHA Congress is literally run by a foreign nation, and the hysterically funny part is…it's another fucking enemy pointing that out to us. And the response is to pass a law forbidding pointing that out to us.


Stupid stupid people.

Anonymous ID: 6c6a2e March 7, 2019, 3:11 p.m. No.5563992   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh you…silly goose. There you go thinking that at the top of the pyramid there are two sides. It's all the same damn thing. They are winning. This is very painful to say.

Anonymous ID: 6c6a2e March 7, 2019, 3:15 p.m. No.5564061   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Why so afraid? No worries, in a few more weeks my post will be illegal…its already illegal in UK. They you fucking kikes can shut us up for good.

Anonymous ID: 6c6a2e March 7, 2019, 3:20 p.m. No.5564146   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I know…I was so excited to see Trump take that timeline shift and run with it. But…pic related


unless someone is willing to do what needs to be done to end this once and for all…they've managed a slight shift again…it's so fucking frustrating.


earth has done us the favor before…and she's about to grace us again. Those who make it need to make a policy, immediate execution without sorry of any of the people of that fucking book….go back to the days of "drop your pants" to make ID…you do realize that's why the forced this ritual emasculation onto the rest of the world, right?


This sounds harsh, but if you knew what they had planned for you, you'd push the button yourself.