Anonymous ID: 9d8b93 March 7, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.5563786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4064



>Facebook to push vaccines


Compulsory Vaccination is the Evil Tyrant's Ultimate Goal


It's an old and insidious plan and pray to God they never get their way.


Here is an excerpt of argument against compulsory vaccination published in 1880


"A considerable number of good people are just now suffering fines and imprisonments because they will not suffer their children to be vaccinated. Their very excellences as parents cause them to be dealt with as malefactors.


Here, say, are two men: one gives uninquiring assent to what other thought less people assent to; he doesn't care much what happens to his child, delegates to usage the duty of thinking for it, gives it up to be baptized, catechized, vaccinated, flogged at school-to anything that is usual, whether right or not. The other man gives no uninquiring assent; he studies carefully that his family may be nourished with truth and maintained by such laws of health 88 he can discover. Now, of these two the careless parent is favored by the vaccination law, while the thoughtful, anxious, and devoted parent is punished unless he adopts a prescribed opinion. A law which thus favours parental indifference, and discourages careful thought and conscientious devotion to the child's welfare, reverses the spirit of all just law. Of course it is equally probable that the thinking parent may be able to agree with the majority; but he may not, and in this case he suffers for his inquiry, while the other escapes, no man being so safe from the results of thought, erroneous or right, as he who never thinks at all."