Anonymous ID: d13587 March 7, 2019, 3 p.m. No.5563825   🗄️.is đź”—kun



I kind of think the symbols have different meanings with what group uses them. George Washington and his type might have a different understanding. Rothschild and their faggotry might have the opposite meaning.


Remember we are fighting people that invert everything. Look at the Rainbow. The Jew led faggotry movement stole a holy symbol and made it awful.


Its what they do. Steal symbols. Throw their shit at stuff to make people scared to study topics because the Catholics or the Jews or the Satanist say you cant because its EVIL.


When in reality they just want a monopoly on real power and knowledge.

Anonymous ID: d13587 March 7, 2019, 3:04 p.m. No.5563896   🗄️.is đź”—kun


It is their same tactic as with the Illuminati Taco Bell commericals. Mind fuck the normies so when they hear the truth the normies will feel all superior and say……that stuff is fake…..they make commercials about it.


Saul Alinsky…..number one tool of faggots is mockery. The human animal has a biological fear of mockery. They fear being mocked because the next step is being kicked out of the tribe then the human is on its own. Humans fear this.


The Satanist are using our biological responses against us.