Anonymous ID: 88f70d March 7, 2019, 5 p.m. No.5565792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5816 >>5830 >>5905 >>5983 >>6376 >>6449

>>5565314 (pb)

Good work i ask people to think further...


every single one of you posting on here....well how to find everyone that thinks a certain way?




When I was making a BIG deal about "WHO THE FUCK IS PAYING FOR 8" and all the server upgrades no one listened, people got mad, attacked me for daring to question the narrative......white hats white hats white hats you idiots screamed...I said....nope not possible, illegal for the gov. to pay / fund and support a forum that is in support of only ONE is just illegal...period...there is no way any gov. agency can be paying for this site legally. PERIOD..the fuck period.


So guess what happened a week or so after my last blast about that?


Suddenly 8 started filling itself with ads so that it became impossible to post without disabling all ad blockers, and other protections. Suddenly...oh hai stupid anon, ads pay for it....


THINK the fuck about that you idiots...I don't GAF I'm almost done for anyway...but the gov. now has a nice tidy list of everyone and anyone who thinks a certain way.....


Snowden good...then snowden bad...


we know JA is good...but now JA is bad...


who the fuck is the director?


Every single one of you idiots is on a list now. KEK.



Anonymous ID: 88f70d March 7, 2019, 5:04 p.m. No.5565841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6046


>Bringing up old news is what Q does now.

what the fuck do you mean NOW?


Q started with OLD news…so bad that half booted it out…like dude, your audience is already schooled in this shit…old news is old…now…for sure the new normie non anon followers…it might be new news…Q has to keep the kiddies busy looking at this hand so they don't notice what the hidden hand is up to.

Anonymous ID: 88f70d March 7, 2019, 5:14 p.m. No.5566006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6136 >>6299


KEk nailed me. (rv)


The courts cannot make law which they are doing…it's a very very weird thing that troubles me. Courts are to decide cases based on precedent, not make new law…which they appear to be doing illegally.


Trump has rights regarding immigration assigned to him via the Constitution, which is, if you wish to remain a state, the ultimate law of the land….and these judges know this yet they keep making law from the bench…


why hasn't anyone stopped this? I would have to study on it but I am almost sure there is a legal remedy for judges that violate Constitutional issues by lawmaking from the bench…that's not their job.


States cannot violate the Constitution by making laws that violate it. That's why it's so odd that the DOJ has sat on its hands and not challenged those laws. that Texas law against boycotting Israel should have been challenged straight off by the DOJ…A state cannot violate an individuals right of free association by twisting a law that says "if you do business with us then you have to give up your Constitutional rights"…that the DOJ has sat on its hands over and over while states violate the Constitution with their lawmaking…is a massive problem. It's got jewish fingers all over it.


Invalidating our Constitution line by line…that's slow walking too….inching up to the 2nd amendment? (((William Barr))) is VERY pro gun control….think about it.


As for the other thing…I do not know why the AD XR situation has been allowed to continue by docs…but it is by that very assured means that health is slowly being compromised. I sat on this for a week after seeing it thinking…nah…no fucking way…but it filled in a picture that was blurry before. Nothing can be done about it…only a few per lot are altered…but time…and the absolute certainty the use will not stop…has made it certain there will be consequences.


Anyone who can read energy should be able to see already it is having an effect….anyone who is encouraging the continued use of this must be considered suspect. For all I know that may be the means of locus of control…I just can't be sure.

Anonymous ID: 88f70d March 7, 2019, 5:17 p.m. No.5566054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6415


Dude I've been on the bad list since (((THEY))) tried to get me to run for office all nice and tidy paid….since I turned one of theirs to the other side….since I am and always be incorruptible. Since I am what I am…I am not long for this world anyway. What list I'm no hardly matters…the work I did…well lets say it has its consequences. I happily paid them…but to see it all for naught with this latest timeline shift….I'm finding it increasingly difficult to GAF.

Anonymous ID: 88f70d March 7, 2019, 5:30 p.m. No.5566238   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Congress has the power to impeach judges or any other political appointee. That branch has been broken since at least the 70s. ~~The public~~ Israel keeps reelecting the same yahoos.


A good example is Roe v. wade…no state can ban abortion. They can dick with it…heartbeat laws, post birth abortions…make it harder to access but they cannot violate the Constitution and outright ban it.


I for one love abortion. Our inner cities are already overrun with welfare babies. Unless we put an end to rewarding the hood rats for each idjit they produce on my dime..fuck it.


Other people limit their children to what they can afford to feed and educate….So unless the federal gov. ends the free kid policy…ending r v wade will end up a demographic nightmare.

Anonymous ID: 88f70d March 7, 2019, 5:36 p.m. No.5566332   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I fixed it…another way….I'm not without skillz…but I couldn't help noticing the change after I complained for a week asking BO who the fuck is paying for this….because that was around the time I started detecting another timeline shift and thought…fuck this has turned..into a diversion thing. The closest i can get to explaining is the final two episodes of Fringe season 2…..I've been fascinated how "right" that show has been on many levels….there is truth in fiction….subtle changes not meant to be noticed..whereas the shift that brought Trump…to win was a big fat giant ass KABOOM timeline shift.


OH NOES the captcha overlords making me captcha for each post?

Anonymous ID: 88f70d March 7, 2019, 5:42 p.m. No.5566420   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Pardon my ignorance, but I don't know what AD XR is.


Those who need to know what AD XR is…know…telling what it is may reveal something that should not be revealed. Although for sure all eyes know about it…cause someone is exploiting the use of it….and not to a good end.


I know its not a secret (courts legislating from the bench)….the secret is….why DOJ is not seeking a legal remedy….it is for that reason my spidey senses are saying…WTAF is this shit….because it IS happening (DOJ ignoring stuff they shouldn't)….so that makes me wonder who is actually at the helm of the ship….((()))) perhaps? It's the top level that does not want to give up…lol dear judges…stop being such useful idiots…you are not top level and will never be granted sanctuary….no matter what they tell / sell you….you're not part of the top.