I find the attacks on Snowden distateful. Feels like there's some NSA goonie on the Q team pushing an agency or personal vendetta. He'll never stop being a hero, and you'll never stop being the assholes spying on everyone alive.
He also told his fellow citizens that their government was violating their constitutional right to privacy and freedom from mass surveillance, a far greater good than some faggy terrorists switching from Whatsapp to Signal, which they would have done anyway.
>He infiltrated the NSA to embarrass them for the CIA. General feeling at least with this anon is he did for his agency, not us.
That's the story this place fed you. Have you ever questioned it? How plausible is a secret shadow war between the intelligence agencies, really? Have you ever wondered why this place pushes the Where Is Assange psyop? That's a CIA work of art, if I'm not mistaken, judging by those pushing it.
I would think the traitors are those violating the highest law of the land, the Constitution. You know, that document everyone swears to uphold, the one that explicitly prohibits surveillance of the masses, and establishes freedom from it as a fundamental right?
A right the NSA deprives us all of by means of practicing exactly what the Constitution prohibits?
The Pentagon armed some groups, CIA armed other groups, and sometimes they fought. This doesn't indicate a secret inter-agency war. Consider why you're being convinced of this. Appear weak when you are strong, appear divided when you're united, etc etc. By deception thou shalt wage war.
Anyone even mildly familiar with intelligence would find the very idea of a secret war between intel agencies idiotic.
This place is pushing a seriously sketchy narrative, and I find the stench harder and harder to ignore. You Q chaps can drop all the bible quotes you want; if you're defending mass surveillance and smearing the guy who brought it to light as some villain, you're not the good guys, nowhere near.
>Hes also the link between China type of censorship and the censoring we are currently dealing with.
How? First I hear of this.