Anonymous ID: c608f6 March 7, 2019, 5:27 p.m. No.5566209   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Hey man there's no philosophy to it. It's not philosophy it is neurology.

Okay, Robert Anton Wilson.


>These people are in an echo chamber of Lies

Lies such aaaaaas….


>and it is constantly reinforced by Donald Trump his tweets his rallies his speeches

Bet you sure would like to silence him, huh?


>his hate rhetoric toward everybody he feels insecure about

Such aaaaaaaaaaaas…?


>or who he needs to slander to cover for his crimes.

Like Fauxcahontas, Ilhan Omar, Cryin' Chuck, "Fuck Polydent" Pelosi?

Cuz they've all done it on their own.

Can you cite some examples of what you're trying to point to?


>And then there's the right-wing media and Fox News also spouting the same lines

Again, bet you sure would like to silence them, huh?


>and there's this place where you guys constantly reinforce the lies as well.

Such aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas…?


>This constant reinforcement creates new neural Pathways and synapses and your brain rewires itself

God forbid we don't allow someone like you to do that for us!


>and the old synapses and pathways that allowed you to think critically or think for yourself or use reasoning or see truth fade and die

That's the point. It's called growth.

You're not still running on the same shit you were when you were a child, are you?


>with disuse until you are so indoctrinated into the cult

Cult of Answering Vague and Potentially Non-Sensical Questions?

Isn't that basically the point of "Trivial Pursuit"?

You didn't forget how to play, didja?


>that you can't be reached and you can't see out.

Reached by whom? Those who want to rewire us to bow down and give up personal agency?


>That is what's going on here.

You didn't actually say anything… kek


>And people are becoming violent because they've been promised blood

Antifa was brought to believe they'd be able to take over like in Portland…

But how is the left's violence supposed to be OUR fault?

"You maaaaaade me attack this trashcan and beat someone over the head with a bike lock!!!"

It's just projection.


>that they're not getting.

Nor should they. This can be done with civility.


>People are killing and people are in jail over this thing already.

WE are not responsible for the Clinton/DS/Cabal hit list.

WE are not responsible for Q Derangement Syndrome.

Anonymous ID: c608f6 March 7, 2019, 5:38 p.m. No.5566345   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no, your overbearing hatred and pushing of such nonsense.


Then y'all turn around and kvetch that Q/Anons are all anti-semitic hate speakers and call to SHUT IT DOWN.


We know.

But hey, nice try, JIDF/ADL/SPLC/MOS!

Better luck next time.

Anonymous ID: c608f6 March 7, 2019, 5:43 p.m. No.5566439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6475


So sayeth someone who doesn't believe the bullshit being spread by people who fuck children.

If Lucifer is the only one who DOES NOT support fucking children, then maybe you should reconsider who you think the protagonist is.