Anonymous ID: dab048 March 7, 2019, 5:40 p.m. No.5566381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6433

Is this why trump accepted FDA chiefs resignation? He resigned less then 13 days after threatening to eliminate vaccine exemptions.

"Food and Drug Administration boss Scott Gottlieb (shown) is now threatening to use federal force. Indeed, in bizarre comments made to national media, the senior health bureaucrat threatened that growing nationwide resistance to vaccination mandates may “force the hand of the federal government.” In short, Gottlieb wants to force states to vaccinate children, even if it goes against the religion or conscience of the parents. "

"President Donald Trump, has repeatedly suggested that vaccines may not be as safe and effective as Big Pharma and its government cronies want people to think they are."

"His resignation was unexpected, as he recently hired senior staff."


“I want to be very clear – I’m not leaving,” he tweeted two months ago. “We’ve got a lot important policy we’ll advance this year."