Ok…NAILED it…I bow to your short winded truth.
>Porblem is, the electorate is tired of her. I think they want a fresh face.
They want to win…the face doesn't matter. If they think they can win with her they'll run her. Think about the drama of it…the left will mobilze BIGLEY….this time it's her turn…wait for it. Mueller's report is shite, he is shite…and she knows it. So the "waiting for Mueller report" is some kind of stupid…more like..waiting to see if we're home free yet….have the fixers cleaned it all up? We shall see…if Epstein finds a red scarf and door knob..I'd say yes, home free…come the fuck on Trump HIRED Acosta knowing the deal he gave Epstein…and I do not even believe for a second Trump was involved at ALL in that shit…nope..it's currency..he's trading in currency….how he spends it….well Mr President..this shit is global…and you're NOT a mere billionaire that can jet off in an instant with your beautiful family to some hidey hole to wait it all out…
>Whether is looks like an accident or not.
designed to be natural….and he's helping them bigely cause he won't give it up. They had a few ideas kicking around…and it's not that things aren't being checked it is that only one, maybe two…of a "lot" and that's not easy….this has been going on the last two months I'd say…the first time I noted a major energy shift, a SLOWING…bloating…buildup…so to speak. I think…bank accounts or something…needs to be looked at because this is deceptively simple…a slight of hand swap out…and it's done..while everything looks on the up and up…fuck, people are just assholes. Never lie, never DO anything that can be used against you, ever. Walk in a good way on this earth.
Cascadia…will likely be the trigger. it feels a bit "norther" but I would expect a chain…when I was a very young lad aboard a horse in the high desert on the mainland side of the SAFault..I looked out across the desert and saw it turn into water…and thought.."someday this will beach front property"…trufax. All I know is that the tribe was told to be moved to the high ground by 2019…and there have been lots of natural indicators…and visions so…it is what it is.