Anonymous ID: 813b6c March 5, 2018, 8:10 a.m. No.557293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alternative Nerd Boom Theory


Autism is heavy this morning. I looked into BOOM acronyms and found some interesting options. Some military options but the one I thought I would share is related to>

>Watch the water.



(B)ayesian (O)bject (O)riented (M)odeling


This method is based on the development of a multivariable integrated technique based on Bayes' theorem. After identifying all relevant factors related to water management in the area these were then translated to variables within a Bayesian Network (BN) and the relationships between them investigated. Each network represented one of the four aquifer units. These individual BNs were then linked to form an OOBN which was used to represent the complex real-world situation


< Pics related


For some reason BRIDGE BOOM & WATER seem to really get my almonds activated.