>>5571061 (all pbs)
Americans are not prone so much to inbreeding as muzzy populations tho….kek…but dumbing down the population? Absolutely…and the muzzy contribution to Common Core….getting rid of that shit, getting rid of everyone gets a trophy they don't deserve, going back to hard work, dedication and rewarding intelligence and excellence….that will help…right now…they are bringing down the entire intellect of generations of children in order to have equality…problem is rich people can avoid this shit…they can always avoid that which they inflict on us.
One read through the common core standards will make anyone brain dead in just two objectives.
KEK..Sorcha Fail aka David Booth…"going around in the Kremlin today…"
Control brah, absolute control over information. That's why Obama pushed that propaganda bill and why media are no longer held accountable for fake news…