She's missing you.
Btw, she said she is with kid and it feels hairy.
He's a tool.
Do they still give the polio vac?
And the Dems will STILL use him as an excuse for new hearings.
Mercenaries are psychopaths. They like to kill. They dont where or who.
Anon, cesareas have saved many lives. Without them many women would rie in childbirth as happened back in the day. Whether all that are performed are actually needed is another question.
I wouldn't think so, but it requires some research.
What sauce do you have for that claim?
Fucked up generalisation.
Induced labor is different from a cesarean.
You callled women retarded. That is a generalisation. An insult.
Do you realize how annoying and off putting it might be for a woman to have some random guy talk to her about what's best for something he can never experience himself?
Sorry, anon, but it did not seem light hearted to me. I may have misunderstood, but there is no reason for your attack.
I think you should go make me sammich. Ham and cheese on rye with a but oc mustard. Thank you