Where did he go wrong?
You're a weak-willed boomer who can't handle my epic bantz.
We'll get there.
Where We Go Yin We Go Yang
We need to rob boomers of their social security before they can get to it. HAHAHAHAHA
Is Yang playing 1000D chess? Haha get it?
It's over.
Trump is more pro-immigrant than Yang is but without a $1000. There is no way Trump can win now because he fucked up so badly.
Do you support Trump?
The Wall is not being built. Trump is a faggot.
Future President
He's literally not building a Wall because he signed a bill that doesn't allow him to.
That's not a wall. That's fencing that's only going in small areas from the Obama administration.
He should go cry about it to Israel.
The Center Right can't meme. Only the Extermist/Dissident Right is capable of memeing anything. Everyone else is shit.
You sound like a goddamn globalist piece of shit.
Only if we are united against the pernicious jew.
Why does he sound like a globalist?
I bet you Qpedes don't even know where the glow reference comes from. Care to guess?
For clueless boomers.
Why are you parroting Q's globalist talking points?
CIA niggers cut the power in Venezuela. Fuck Pompeo.
He's going to run and he will win.
>I hope they pay you well, because dealing with us day after day must really wear on you.
Nah, qpedes are too easy. You retards will believe anything. Learn to be honest with yourselves.