Got an eviction notice via text with a promise to mail it this morning.
Just paid my rent two days ago.
Got 3 feet of snow piled in the yard.
Missed almost 2 weeks of work stranded after landlord swore we'd get help being plowed out….
Never Trumper brother put us up here. Can't even trust family. They just want to help their friends make a few bucks off disaster victims who haven't even gotten ahead again yet well even caught up.
Sick shit.
We'll be fine.
Have to leave just about everything behind, less than we saved from the floods of '16. Can't even take all of our pets this time. One vehicle less to pack our stuff into, as well.
But we're not the ones losing anything.
Stuff is stuff.
I'm at a loss at to how anyone can do this anyone let alone family/family friends. We've had appliances on extension cords, leaks, no central heat so we've had to plug things in though outlets to use are becoming hard to figure out. I've froze all winter as my room as only one working outlet and it started buzzing with a heater plugged in (all connections were fine, it's the wires. Their wires). We moved in like this. They slapped a coat of….the last tenants stuff on top and left us such a mess we didn't realize the place is a death trap.
Yet we had no where else to go.
But still. We're not the ones losing. God is watching; all I have to say.