So it's been established there are a bunch of lefty faggots trying to disrupt qres, but have we established a reason other than them being lefty faggots? It doesn't seem like the latest crop of losers is getting paid the way earlier ones were.
So it's been established there are a bunch of lefty faggots trying to disrupt qres, but have we established a reason other than them being lefty faggots? It doesn't seem like the latest crop of losers is getting paid the way earlier ones were.
The Jerusalem embassy switch never made sense to me.
Clearly the Zion squad didn't want it, because it never happened previously, but I don't see what the big deal is, or why it matters.
Although I admittedly pretty much ignored the whole JQ thing until the retard shills on here made it obvious there was something to it, so I'm a little late to the party.
Bro, I can't give you 1:10
I said I was late to the party, not that I didn't know there was a party going on
I want more fake pics of RBG walking around, head up
I have a kek-shaped hole in my soul, and only fake RGB's can make me whole