Moar Tools to Red pill our Global Fam WW: Found this while digging on wikileaks a couple of days ago. Worth a read (actually, this poster has a lot of clown killer content (CKC)).
>I don't know how it works for y'all, but I ”woke up” to conspiracies in basically a 1 hour period. It was like a pole shift, going from curious but quite skeptical, to the bottom of the rabbit hole, almost immediately.
The two links that got me “woke” were the late David McGowans “Pedophocracy”, and then “The Greenbaum Speech” given by esteemed psychologist Dr. Corydon Hammond. Together these two links show beyond a shadow of a doubt that there exists an evil cult presence, as a shadow control system, behind the world stage… and they are pulling the puppet strings.
The Pedophocracy
by David McGowan
The Pedophocracy, Part I: From Brussels …
The Pedophocracy, Part II: … to Washington
The Pedophocracy, Part III: Uncle Sam Wants Your Children
The Pedophocracy, Part IV: McMolestation
The Pedophocracy, Part V: It Couldn't Happen Here
The Pedophocracy, Part VI: Finders Keepers
We’ve got a lot to cover today and let me give you a rough approximate outline of the the things that I’d like us to get into. First, let me ask how many of you have had at least one course or workshop on hypnosis? Can I see the hands? Wonderful. That makes our job easier.
Okay. I want to start off by talking a little about trance-training and the use of hypnotic phenomena with an MPD dissociative-disorder population, to talk some about unconscious exploration, methods of doing that, the use of imagery and symbolic imagery techniques for managing physical symptoms, input overload, things like that. Before the day’s out, I want to spend some time talking about something I think has been completely neglected in the field of dissociative disorder, and that’s talking about methods of profound calming for automatic hyper-arousal that’s been conditioned in these patients.
We’re going to spend a considerable length of time talking about age-regression and abreaction in working through a trauma. I’ll show you with a non-MPD patient - some of that kind of work - and then extrapolate from what I find so similar and different with MPD cases. Part of that, I would add, by the way, is that I’ve been very sensitive through the years about taping MPD cases or ritual-abuse cases, part of it being that some of that feels a little like using patients and I think that this population has been used enough. That’s part of the reason, by choice, that I don’t generally videotape my work.
I also want to talk a bunch about hypnotic relapse-prevention strategies and post- integration therapy today. Finally, I hope to find somewhere in our time-frame to spend on hour or so talking specifically about ritual abuse and about mind-control programming and brainwashing - how it’s done, how to get on the inside with that - which is a topic that in the past I haven’t been willing to speak about publicly, have done that in small groups and in consultations, but recently decided that it was high time that somebody started doing it. So we’re going to talk about specifics today.
The Psychopath Fears Exposure - A Lesson on How to Spot and Deal with Psychopaths