Anonymous ID: d1d4d5 March 8, 2019, 9:01 a.m. No.5575567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5622


Wasn’t one of the Bush brothers in charge of security in WTC bldgs leading up to 9-11?

Can’t imagine Bush being duped by 9-11 attacks as another anon opined in another dig.

Anonymous ID: d1d4d5 March 8, 2019, 9:08 a.m. No.5575651   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you fren. No way Bush was duped.

I agree with this anons scenario


Whilst strolling along the sea, I was hit by the following thought-stream:


  1. I think the assumption that Q’s “Tactical Nuke” is DECLAS of DOJ/Obama FISA abuse is incorrect.


  1. Keeping in mind that this is a WAR being conducted by the US military, it’s logical that Q+ will operate using military doctrine. Current US military doctrine is “Full Spectrum Dominance”, which I suspect means that when the curtain rises, Q+ is going it bring it so hard the DS’ers and Cabalites will literally shit themselves (the long-awaited “Suicide Weekend”). Furthermore, POTUS has previously declared his fondness for the “Art of War”, which teaches: “The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim.”


  1. The sad reality is that FISA-abuse declass isn’t going to bother a large portion of the US/World population, especially the media. I just get the feeling this isn’t the spark that will ignite the kind of fire we need to turn the vast majority of humanity to our side. Art of War: “The spot where we intend to fight must not be made known; for then the enemy will have to prepare against a possible attack at several different points; and his forces being thus distributed in many directions, the numbers we shall have to face at any given point will be proportionately few.”


  1. So, when Q says “FISA goes both ways”, what does he mean? What if Q+ has been authorized by FISA court to conduct unlimited surveillance? In light of what Q has revealed about every single smartphone being a listening device, then Q literally HAS EVERYTHING.


  1. So, the big FISA DECLAS will NOT be the FISA abuse of the Obama WH + DOJ, but DECLAS of information that Q+ has gathered under their own FISA warrants, and it will be something much, much bigger than FISA-abuse, and something that will force the US left and media to give proper coverage. Something that will “shock” people into opening their minds to the greater reality Q has revealed here.


  1. If I were Q+, my ideal “Nuke” would be George W. Bush confessing to the conspiracy surrounding 9-11. How could the left challenge this? How could the media avoid covering it? It would beautifully suck in the Clintons, Obama, CIA, foreign governments. The whole country would demand POTUS get to the bottom of the crime. THEN, we have the widespread public demands for justice against every person connected. With the country and world united in horror, POTUS will have carte blanche to let loose Huber, sealed indictments, etc.


  1. At that point Q+ will be “weapons free” to reveal all their vast collected information from the past, re JFK, TWA800, Murder of Diana, etc. It will truly be “The Great Awakening”