Anonymous ID: 8171e3 March 5, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.557753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7764 >>7811 >>8004

Here Comes the BOOM




A company revolutionizing how immigrant and unbanked families save and share their wealth, today announced it has closed a $17 million financing round led by


< Digicel Group


Clinton Foundation “facilitated introductions”to help O’Brien build a luxurious new Marriott hotel next to Digicel’s Port-au-Prince headquarters. USAID has directed about $1.3 million to Digicel since 2008, along with private grant money. Digicel has donated tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. 


Our partnership with Digicel further validates Boom as the premier U.S. brand for mobile financial services for immigrants and their extended families across the Americas," said Bill Barhydt, CEO of Boom Financial. "Digicel's extensive coverage in key Boom markets such as Haiti and Jamaica will accelerate our reach into these markets."




Bill Clinton and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had been active players in the country before the quake, but would assume almost total managerial control over the recovery effort via the State Department and the Clinton Foundation.


As Peter Schweizer documents in his latest book, Clinton Cash, Digicel received millions in U.S. tax dollars from USAID, an agency overseen by the State Department, as part of the Haiti Mobile Money Initiative. The program was designed to establish a mobile money-transfer system that would allow individuals to send donations directly to friends and relatives in Haiti.


Digicel was also tapped by the USAID Food for Peace program, which was under the direct control of Hillary Clinton’s top aide Cheryl Mills, to administer money transfers over its mobile network. Haitians received cell phones and a free Digicel account; Digicel received grants courtesy of U.S. taxpayers, collected millions in fees from Haitians every time they used the system, and significantly expanded its user base.






I think I've found how the Clinton's may have pocketed the Haiti relief money!?


< Clinton's Robbed Haiti Blind





Anonymous ID: 8171e3 March 5, 2018, 9:35 a.m. No.557811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons read this >>557753 and let me know your thoughts.


==Boom = Boom Financial=[


State Department (HRC) USAID > Digicel > Boom Financial > Clinton Foundation


Also Digicel CF (BC speeches, donations etc.)


BOOM is the DOWN FALL of the CF & HRC.

Anonymous ID: 8171e3 March 5, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.557883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7903 >>8004

Boom Financial.


Clinton Foundation

Pay for Play


Smoking gun?


How do you pay for orphans being smuggled out? You give then a phone with BOOM mobile payments and send them a couple grand since they are desperate.



Anonymous ID: 8171e3 March 5, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.558105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is anyone else digging into Clinton Foundation/Haiti?

>State department



>BOOM FINANCIAL (mobile payments)