We seem to have another college on lock down
That teacher the other day. Didn't it sound like he got activated, pulled out his gun, shot out the window instead of at the kids and yelled for the kids to get out of the room. He then locked himself into the bathroom. Seem he fought it and won.
I wonder if age makes a difference. The teacher is older then the kid shooters. Or it could be the amount of drugs and conditioning. Not certain here.
If you add onto a video does it show up in the date the vid was posted in the first place? If not then could have been added later after the vid was posted.
I don't think he has recalled him yet but probably has told Mueller he could at any time.
BREAKING: 2 Children Dead, At Least 3 Others Hurt When Driver Plows Into Pedestrians In Brooklyn
http:// breaking911.com/breaking-2-children-dead-least-3-others-hurt-driver-plows-pedestrians-brooklyn/?onesignal_site_push_notification