how the fuck are we supposed to spread
the truth
when we're being banned everywhere?
fucking communist (((cunts))) run EVERYTHING
how the fuck are we supposed to spread
the truth
when we're being banned everywhere?
fucking communist (((cunts))) run EVERYTHING
>. I've watched you idiots attack and run off new people
go fuck yourself
you don't belong here
scum sucking parasite
only morans believe your bullshit
> you are told that you are thinking for yourselves
muh red text
some of us have been at this longer than Q
some of us don't follow blindly
go back to reddit stupid nigger
been blocked for a 4 yr old sandyhook video
Canadian reporters freaking out over pizzagate
saying it's been "debunked"
they're fucking terrified
can't sneeze without being labelled antisementic
am lividanon today