Now if they could get the C_A out of their shit they'd be far better off. But the odds of that are probably small.
Deport the bulb head. And then outlaw AIPAC and dual citizenship.
Uh, so?
Lol. On my payroll, good grief you're stupid.
Jews and muslims belong somewhere besides North America. Both are nothing but problems.
B-but muh decoder ring?
No it isn't. The Orthodox Church, started by the apostles, was around for hundreds of years before the formation of Catholicism. You either don't know what you're talking about or are a liar.
Doesn't seem to bother them as they've done nothing about in 1500 years.
This is boomer tier deflection meaning its worthless and laughable. Do you ever have an actual argument?
The opposite is true.
No, he's an Israel first kike.
We do, not that it matters.
Not sure. But after looking into his family I'm disgusted Trump allowed his daughter to marry into that rats nest.
Tell you what, I'm not interested in arguing this with you. But I will suggest you go watch Jay Dyer's youtube talks on the Orthodox Church. They're very good, Jay is a smart dude.
Boomers are truly the worst and dumbest generation.
Well, assuming the whole deal with these brown Dem broads isn't some kind of psyop.
Heh, yeah. So far they've used these drones to deflect heat off Democrat leadership, ran the muh communism canard up the flagpole, got many to kiss muh Jews ass while blaming literally everything on white males, what comes next should be interesting. But none of this nonsense has been accidental.
If you wanted to, and you probably should, you could push that back further to the OSS and before that to the Railroad secret police.
Why, because he has an opinion you don't like? I've noticed some of you fanatics seem to want your detractors killed by the state. Thats pretty remarkable.
I can agree with that.
Come at me, nigger.
I don't like the Star of Saturn.