Anonymous ID: ef802e March 8, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.5577393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7442

Ron Paul explains HR 1. "This morning the House of Representatives rammed through their massive First Amendment-shredding legislation, H.R. 1.


The so-called “For the People Act” is really little more than a statist power grab designed to ensure the political Establishment can retain its control over the status quo.


H.R. 1, the “Establishment Protection Act,” as we call it at Campaign for Liberty, is chockfull of censorship schemes designed to shut groups like ours up – or shut us down!


Not only that, but it would force groups like C4L to publicize and release the names of our supporters, making them vulnerable to threats, intimidation, or worse from radical left-wing mobs.


I hope you know I would shut the doors of Campaign for Liberty in a heartbeat rather than turn over names and personal information of even ONE of our supporters.


But just because Republicans control the Senate certainly doesn’t mean you and I can assume this legislation won’t go anywhere.


Instead there’s never been a more important time to double-down!


Senator Tom Udall (NM) plans to introduce companion legislation next week.


In the past, one of the worst anti-First Amendment bills was sponsored and pushed through by the late-Senator John McCain.


You can guarantee statists are going to work hard to pick off the votes they need from Senators like Susan Collins (ME), Cory Gardner (CO), Lisa Murkowski (AK), and Lindsey Graham (SC).