Anonymous ID: 40b614 March 8, 2019, 1:17 p.m. No.5578786   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This article from 2005 explains a whole lot about DUMBs and their purpose. (The original link referenced no longer exists)


8 Million Humans and Counting…(that they know of) have become food for Aliens..1,500 Deep Underground Bases Around the World ready to bring to you "The New World Order" where humans become slaves and food for alien races that they call 'the elite'.


Are the Hidden Underground Military Bases the Real Headquarters for the New World Order?


A former Canadian military officer finally goes public with shocking

information he learned while working at an underground base at Cold

Lake in Canada. Although some may say his story is pure fiction,

others claim the secrets to the New World Order's depopulation plan

lies underground.

20 Oct 2005


It covers the depopulation agenda and revdeals that " the real heart and soul of the New World Order plan lies in the mysterious underground military bases scattered all over the world, including roughly 30 in Canada, 140 in the United States and more than 1,500 worldwide."


Considering this was in 2005 one mkight assume this number to have increased.


Other key excerpts include


"It is very dangerous and you could be killed if you try to expose

what the globalists are doing with this network of tunnels and

underground facilities, but I have ended my silence since they are now

in the final stages of there plan. Remember, AIDS being manufactured?

Well, what's in store for mankind is now much worse and we need to do

everything we can to try and stop the destruction of the world as we

know it."


Here he speaks hypthetically to cover himself:

"Let us assume all North American DUMBs are connected below by

oxygenated magnetoleviton trains from Krupp, Germany, and are able to

reach MACH2+, having the tunnels vacuumed of air to eliminate air

resistance. Adjacent to this is a subterranean tunnel highway."


"Let us assume that many of these bases are actually underground

cities for beings that in actuality have resided here for millennia."


-There is more. Anons should read it all.