Anonymous ID: 25da64 March 8, 2019, 1:27 p.m. No.5578903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8935 >>8946 >>8960 >>8976 >>9010 >>9349

The JIDF is gonna hate this video…unless it's a set up? I can't wrap my brain…either Trump is truly Israel last and this video is out to make people doubt that or….he's fucked with us the entire time?


This shit is too mind bendy to even…vid related…


I never would have voted for him IF this is true and it was known…Israel controls too much of our country, I've been red pilled for years on the JQ and done my own research for years…horrified! I knew and told people years ago that Epstein Island was uploading direct to MOSSAD HQ and that they run our country via BLACKMAIL…


For his entire campaign he was MAGA, America First, flag hugging patriot loving /ourguy/…and suddenly he's "we need LOTS of immigrants, more than ever before…" a complete and total reversal of his entire platform and people are pissed…, and I don't mean a little pissed, they are a LOT pissed….and more and more people are openly discussing the JQ….


IS Breitbart on to Trump's real agenda now >>5578035

(Israel last) and publishing negative articles? IS Trump really a hard core zionist who tricked us into voting for him and is now stepping aside to let Israel run things? This shit is insane.


OR this entire video a JIDF setup to make us believe Trump is a zionist knowing that it would hurt is campaign (dude says he is jewish on video)….BECAUSE they know he's not really a zionist and they want / need to get rid of him because they can't blackmail him and want to replace him with someone who can? I mean we can almost tell 100% who Israel has in the pocket via blackmail due to who they let on the Dem ballot…aka Tusli Gabbard is polling way higher than harris / Waren…but unless it's a private campaign…they leave her off the poll.


Which fucking witch is which?


This guy claims that Trump converted to Judaism years ago and that he believes Jared Kushner is the jewish messiah….


OH fuck….this is mental… what if Jared was sent in to the Trump family to just be there…just in case…supposing my personal theory that Israel sends "perfect" men / women into wealthy / powerful families to be informants, whatever…in case the family rises to power..IE look at who Chelsea Clinton is married to and i'm sure if I look I'd find other examples….so two things..either he turned the worm on Israel and is now Trump loyalist or…he got Trump to turn the worm, become a jew…and….


I don't even…Ivanka is by ALL reports and even gossip blinds, a sweet, very intelligent if naive woman with a heart of gold and who has always avoided being trapped into any scandal or having people use her to get close to Dad / family…


WTAF is this shit?

Anonymous ID: 25da64 March 8, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.5579069   🗄️.is 🔗kun


pic related….


never piss off your overlords…I hazard a guess the war hawks are anxious to invade another country…and spill American blood to "save" Venezuela. So…one wonders…what maduro was planning to do re dollar / gold / oil?


Never piss off the jews….oops I mean America.


Go look at before and after photos of how beautiful these countries were before we went in to "help" them…Syria…was oil pipeline…so we sent in ISIS a creation of Israel and USA…wonder what blackmail they had on Obama (kek) to force him to go along with it?


Power failures were part of US interference and false flag attacks in Ukraine as well…Maidan affair…we did this, our country…is it possible to love a country and their people but absolutely hate the leadership? They're running the same damn script in Venezuela.


FUCK them.


BTW the Saddam that was tried and hung was bad teeth Saddam….

Anonymous ID: 25da64 March 8, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.5579097   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So…you think the Jews know this hence these sorts of videos designed to cast doubt?


I dunno about jared as i've gotten some very strange "impressions" off of him…it''s kind of strange…running between love / adoration of trump and seeing him as a father figure and also a confusion…plant…mission…betrayal sort of thing as well. It's all so strange.

Anonymous ID: 25da64 March 8, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.5579159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9230 >>9241 >>9249


I am genuinely confused. trump's CPAC statements about immigration would be 100% inline with israel population replacement plan in action in Europe…they are 100% opposite of what his base wants…first time…fucking ever…Breitbart has endless negative trump base comments…Breitbart is jewish…I get it but they were cheering him….until today no one ever said a negative…so has Breitbart figured out MIGA is fake and a trap?


That Israel really is last? Or, did trump really just turn the worm on his base because he's been an Israeli plant the entire time? that seems almost impossible to believe…but then again he has managed to avoid being blackmailed aka he avoided Epstein Island…was it because he was opposed to what he knew was happening there OR because he knew if he went he'd be on tape? or both?


This knot is so complex I'm having issues seeing…past what I don't want to believe..I can''t work unless I'm neutral and this shit is fucking my sauce big time.

Anonymous ID: 25da64 March 8, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.5579222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9265 >>9295


That's true…Barr is openly anti 2nd amendment and Israel knows the plan will never work unless they get our guns…replaying a horrific war hawk strategy in Venezuela is also against his base as is the immigration comments he made at CPAC…this is sheer insanity and it DOES look like his MIGA is for real…but other things make me thing it's an act and that the Jews know it's an act hence the jewmedia nonstop attacks on him…jewcontrolled Congress nonstop attacks…if he was REALLY MIGA you'd think they'd all love him.


See how this is confusing? JEWS can't come out and call Trump anti jew..although one did the other day..i saw a tweet that trumps anti-anti semetism remarks was really antisemitism…that was a mind bendy tweet…as if this dude knows…


FUCK the jews..this shit could literally be either or…and their shit could be a double double cross…

Anonymous ID: 25da64 March 8, 2019, 1:55 p.m. No.5579310   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OK wow, thanks for that…I DL and opened it in Paint and it was easy to read…this is my personal feeling..but I try not to let what I want to be true versus what I'm seeing / feeling get in the way of truth….this also makes sense in the context of seeming to flip the script on the Jews…as they can't do a damn thing publicly against could they he is their greatest friend…all the while he's slowly tearing it down…


This is a good compilation. Thanks.

Anonymous ID: 25da64 March 8, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.5579364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9385


THIS is awesome…this needs to be OUR theme song…and Yellow Vests…I don't give a fuck if he's a jew, he's doing good…work…kek love the Trump mask..there isn't anyone who can deny that this man is speaking for people…of the UK and the shit the UK gov has done to those poor people…

Anonymous ID: 25da64 March 8, 2019, 2:04 p.m. No.5579467   🗄️.is 🔗kun


nah I don't think it's that simple…everyone loved him before he ran for president…everyone…very popular man…then the second he announces a run…the jewmedia steps out…right off against him…this indicates they got their Israeli overlord marching orders because they knew he was the one man they could NOT control..


remember it's stupid ass evangelical xians that bibi has manipulated for years to run Israel policy because those stupid shits don't think jeebus will come back unless they build him a new house so xians almost always support whatever israel does…drink champagne on a hillside toasting while Israel bombs the fuck out of Palestinians…cheering each time a bomb lands (jew tube banned that video)…xians were ok with that, they are ok with whomever and whatever israel does because Jeeus…and chosen..which is a position that Israel has used and manipulated for a very long time…


Wake up xians…it's NOT hard to be fucking chosen…if you write the damn book yourself…stop supporting pic related.