Anonymous ID: ee3fd2 March 8, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.5578925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9461

THE LIST: More than 100 Times the FBI, DOJ and/or Mueller Gang “Deviated from Standard Practice” or Committed Crimes in Effort to Exonerate Hillary and Indict Trump


Here’s a list of more than 100 actions the Deep State FBI and DOJ took that were either outside of policy and/or were corrupt and/or were criminal surrounding the 2016 Presidential election and exoneration of Hillary Clinton and the setup/attempts to remove Donald Trump from office –


In 2008, a questionable person on John McCain’s presidential campaign caught the attention of FBI counterintelligence, and the FBI privately approached McCain. That questionable person was quietly removed from Team McCain. The Trump campaign was never afforded this same courtesy [source].

Paul Manafort interviewed with the FBI twice before he joined the Trump campaign [source] (If Manafort was guilty of anything, he was guilty during the time period he served as McCain’s campaign manager, not Trump’s campaign manager, and if Manafort was guilty of anything, why did it take ten years for the FBI to take action against Manafort?) And why didn’t the FBI warn Trump about Manafort if they had concerns?

Somehow every clear security breach in the Clinton camp was no big deal, while every fourth-hand contact with someone who could possibly be linked to Russia was evidence that Donald Trump was secretly serving as a Russian agent [source].

Comey made no public show of his announcement on the Oct. 28, 2016, decision to reopen the Clinton email investigation. Instead, Comey quietly sent a terse and private letter to the chairs and the ranking members of the oversight committees on the Hill, informing them, vaguely, that the FBI was taking additional steps in the Clinton email investigation, unlike the public announcement about the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign [source].

FiveEyes has a standing agreement to not spy on each other’s citizens without a warrant, and yet, the FBI and the CIA frequently accepted both official and unofficial intelligence on members of the Trump campaign, from not only FiveEyes but other countries as well [source].


Additionally with regard to FiveEyes, not using normal intelligence channels for a major counterintelligence investigation and, instead, relying on political channels is another deviation from the standard practice, such as in the instance of Alexander Downer relaying information to the State Department who then passed it on to the FBI [source].

Andrew McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI, told House lawmakers during a closed-door interview in late 2017 that other than the probe into Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized use of a private email server, he was not aware of any instance in which an FBI exoneration statement was drafted months prior to the conclusion of an investigation as was done (twice) in the case of the Midyear investigation [source].

Right before the election, the DOJ also inexplicably dropped all charges against Marc Turi in the Benghazi legal matter that had lasted for five years. Some saw it as a way to protect Clinton [source].

Comey sidestepped direct questions over whether Clinton’s carelessness should disqualify her from future access to classified information but indicated that any government employee who had similarly handled secret government information would be subject to a rigorous security review to determine “suitability” [source].

IG Report: Nobody was listed as a subject of this [Clinton email] investigation at any point in time (So neither Hillary nor her top aides were formally under investigation by FBI at any time in 2015-2016, but the agents handling the issue thought it was a criminal action) [source].

There was no investigation regarding Bill Clinton’s famously clandestine meeting with the head of the Department of Justice, Loretta Lynch, on a private plane in Phoenix just days before the FBI announced its decision to exonerate Clinton [source].

Lindsey Graham recently argued, in the Washington Post, “You can be an FBI informant. You can be a political operative. But you can’t be both, particularly at the same time.” (The FBI knew of Steele’s politics but continued to engage him).


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Anonymous ID: ee3fd2 March 8, 2019, 2 p.m. No.5579389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9405 >>9410 >>9420 >>9477

Yes! Yes! Yes!!!

Exclusive: Grand jury returns 16 felony counts against Jussie Smollett


Embattled TV star Jussie Smollett's legal problems have just become significantly more serious as a Cook County grand jury has returned a 16-count true bill of charges against him in connection with his alleged falsification of a hate crime in Streeterville in late January.


Smollet was charged with a single count of felony disorderly conduct-false report last month based on allegations brought by the Cook County State's Attorney's Office.


But, CWBChicago has learned that a grand jury has now returned a total of 16 felony counts of disorderly conduct-false report against the former star of Empire on Fox.


The grand jury's true bill states that Smollett lied about the attack to two separate police officers–the beat cop who took his initial report and a detective who conducted a follow-up interview the same day.


In one set of charges, the grand jury found that Smollet filed a false police report around 2 a.m. on Jan. 29th in which he told an officer that he was attacked near 341 East Lower North Water Street by two unknown men who were dressed in black and one of whom wore a ski mask. The jury further found that Smollett told the original officer that the attackers called him racial and homophobic slurs and struck him in the face with their hands. The police report connected to these charges also indicate that Smollett claimed that a noose had been placed around his neck and a "chemical" had been poured on him.


The second set of charges returned by the grand jury involves Smollett's alleged false reporting of the incident to a police detective later the same day. Additional details that Smollett apparently included in the second interview include: the men approached him from behind, Smollett fought back, and all three men fell to the ground where Smollett said he was kicked in the back and felt someone pulling on his neck. During this interview, Smollett also told the officer that one offender was a white male wearing a black mask with an open area around the eyes that exposed the attacker's skin, the grand jury found.


While announcing the initial charge against Smollett last month, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said his department believed that Smollett was also responsible for mailing a threat letter to himself that set the stage for the purported hate crime. Nonetheless, no charges were brought against Smollett in connection with the letter by the grand jury.


The new charges against Smollett each carry a potential sentence of probation to four years if convicted. Realistically, though, Smollett is unlikely to be convicted on more than a fraction of the charges. Most Cook County criminal cases are resolved through plea bargains in which a defendant pleads guilty to one and, rarely, two counts of an indictment in return for a favorable sentence. Only by going to trial do most defendants run the real risk of being convicted of more than one or two counts.


National news outlets have been reporting since Smollett's arrest that he had already been "indicted" by a grand jury. As CWBChicago has repeatedly reported, those outlets were incorrect. Shortly before Smollett's arrest, a grand jury was convened in a so-called "John Doe case," a legal maneuver that is designed to lock in the testimony of key witnesses under oath to minimize the risk of that testimony changing later and to preserve the testimony should a witness go missing.

