>If the holohoax was exposed along with the jew-backed slave drive and progressive causes, the victim card would be destroyed and we could solve the real problems in society, starting with limiting immigration and preserving our demographics and culture.
>Trump won't do this. In fact he reinforces the jew narrative. In this video, he says we've all read about jewish persecution. He won't dare say that is fake news, but he will mourn hoax shooting victims
I think I have a better plan to take Israel out of the equation..or rather equalize and neutralize them...it may be too late as no doubt they've infiltrated nearly every single organization everywhere...which is how Israeli Stuxnet destroyed Iranian nuke stuff.
what plan ANON? you might ask...well vote on it
a) just Nuke them, they've tortured the world long enough. This does not remove the infiltrators however...the issue here is regrouping.
b) make sure every country in the Middle East that is threatened by Israel and their proxy Saudi Arabia, has mid range (capable of reaching Israel) nuclear weapons. My theory is once everyone has the same capability to destroy the other (it's called mutually assured destruction MAD) then Israel's threat to the entire region is null and void. For an example, see Paki v. India...both have nukes, neither used them and they are proceeding with caution. This plan means no matter what nutjob gets in and has access to nukes, they won't use them...because MAD. Syria would never have been destroyed had Assad had nukes..at least I don't believe so..and Israel's big land grab aka Greater Israel Plan would not have gotten off the ground.
3) complete expose on Israeli control of world policy centers, expose holohoax for what it is, end their power to shut down discussions and free sharing of information
c) nuke the entire Middle East, just get rid of a major source of the world's issues and conflicts
this plan has merit but we might as well nuke ourselves as well for being Israel's proxy army for a very long time. USA is responsible for a lot of horrors perpetrated on behalf of Israel who (pic related) if a single jew dies...
What's your plan? my choice is b.