Hey Q isnt sucking off israel enough in public lately
Can you get him to do it more please
Hey Q isnt sucking off israel enough in public lately
Can you get him to do it more please
Hey whoevers running the shills today can you run the mien kamf bot again
That was funny
Just like its not a coincidence that trump is allied with goldman sachs israel and other scum
Trust the plan goy
Youre the one who doesnt understand anon
Q doesnt give a single fuck about waking up the public
The only thing i want you to do anon is not trust a single person
And then and only then
Does the control break
Lynn will probably be dead soon after the 9th heart transplant for her drinking problem
Hey anons quick question
Did any of you see shadow people as a kid
I used to see them all the time when i was in my bedroom with my mom Sleeping
I thought it was just me seeing things but years later my mom said she saw them,too
Ive always had a feeling especially late at night of being watched
Anyone else ?